Thursday, 6 January 2022

Shambolic Council Meeting showed how secretive your County Council has become.

Northumberland County Council,s meeting on 5 Jan 2022 showed just how dreadful and undemocratic the Council has become.

During the debate on finance, the disgraced Tory Councillor Oliver from Corbridge asked about a £475,000 financial settlement to an officer who had been paid off by the former leader and as portfolio holder for finance he had no idea who that person was?

The mainstream group of Tories now sitting under the Control of Councillors Wearmouth and Sanderson following a vote of no confidence in the former leader Councillor Jackson stayed stumph and left the council chamber, opposition Councillors and the public watching on youtube in complete awe at the audacity of the Council who at that moment showed disdain towards a fellow Conservative whom they have allowed to take the blame publicly for all of the financial ills of the broken regime led astray by the Morpeth Mafia.

Further disgraceful activities were brought into the open as Councillors were incensed that an employee's private data had been issued out by the Leader and Deputy Leader of Council which appeared to breach the rules of the data protection act. The Council's new temporary monitoring officer denied any wrongdoing through the Leadership team but opposition Councillors weren't happy and pressed for the truth.

Then openly bullying of opposition Councillors was exposed as the Chairperson of Council, Councillor Barry Flux had to admit he had blanked the microphones of opposition members and could not clearly see who had voted electronically after he had accepted votes on behalf and in favour of his group.

The disgraceful administration needs to stand down and let Northumberland's public decide if they should be allowed to manage a £Billion budget on local people's behalf since the Council has become nothing more than a three ring circus and lost both its way and credibility in the eyes of the public.

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