Saturday, 22 January 2022

'Sell your home to fund care?

Tories want you to sell it to fund heating!

It's been reported that the Exchequer are thinking of ways to help those in greatest need, heat their homes this year.

The Government's right-wing 'think sink' is in touch with Conservative groups nationwide and they have suggested giving a one off payment to elderly residents in the lowest rated homes via a cut in Council tax to localise criticism of this amazingly arrogant and damaging to local services extension of Austerity.

The problems with this system are manifold, as many people who bought their own homes 35 - 50 years ago and are now pensioners struggled through the massively high interest charge period and the failure of insurance companies to pay up on interest free schemes. This has left millions of pensioners living in  homes with rateable values higher than band A who are and will struggle with energy bills both now and into the future and may be forced to sell their homes to cover energy debt.

The 'think sink' scheme, primarily designed to damage Labour held cities as the recent funding experiences of the pandemic show how delays in repayments have resulted in Council reserves being exposed and limited and the system is being used as secondary austerity by Government.

Interestingly in Northumberland the largest supportive groups of Conservative voters live in homes which will be affected most.

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