Thursday, 27 January 2022

Unbelievable or are they? revelations about Northumberland Conservatives handling of your cash.

Councillor Georgina Hill from Berwick has openly admitted that she was conned into delivering reports to the Northumberland audit  committee, which she once chaired, that were maliciously written by Conservative Councillors and slipped through her committee. 

Today she put out a message on her social media page written with obvious joy that the Police are investigating those who tried to blacken her name. Here's her message:

 Georgina Hill, Berwick 

Northumberland County Council + Advance Northumberland 

At the NCC Audit Committee earlier today (26 minutes in), it is confirmed that there is a long-standing, ongoing police investigation into Advance Northumberland.

This is the cause of a delay in publishing a KPMG forensic audit report into the same.

Myself, and many others across the County, have had serious long term concerns about Advance.

 Are we finally going to get to the bottom of it ?

 Knowing how these things work, I am not holding my breath.

After five years of turmoil at Northumberland County Council following the Conservatives changing the Council's Arms length development company into a private company under the chairmanship or is that ownership? of a Morpeth Councillor, Richard Wearmouth, we may soon get to know exactly what went on behind closed doors and hopefully which developers walked hand in velvet glove with the group of Tories colloquially known as and referred to as the Morpeth mafia.

But receipt of the report from KPMG will probably become the catalyst and kick-start the arguments about where the Council should build its public gibbet, as the County is home to many who would like to knit and spit from a comfortable position on their crackets as Morpeth's dark regime is publicly finished off. Unfortunately for those whom the report will find guilty, the front row will be filled with their own split party colleagues.

Et tu, Ricardo!


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