Saturday, 15 January 2022

Bullying deniers show their true face on TV.


Northumberland secret Council held their most laughable series of meetings since May 2021 this week and this following last weeks most shambolic Council meeting ever held, where the Tories had to down tools and abandon their posts due to the problems caused by removing reference to the trade unions and therefore the Council's grievance procedure from Councillor Oliver's rewrite of the Council constitution, its prime document, in October 2017. An action which will cost the ratepayer dearly in the Council's forthcoming bullying case against them from their well bullied and damaged Chief Executive as it moves ever closer to an airing in court.

Their most recent 'comedy of errors'. A collection of classic area committee meetings were held across the county to discuss the Unitary Authority's forthcoming budget. Councillors, many of whom complained they had entered the £Billion budget process blind and were not furnished with either background papers or the budgetary road map report to enlighten their constituents as to the effects that these Tory Council's cuts from the 'shambolists'* will have on their daily lives.

The youtube videos showed how pathetic the Councillor in charge, one of the former Conservative leaders of the famously mismanaged Castle Morpeth District Council and now leader of one of the disparate Tory groups on the County Council, Councillor  Sanderson really is. His grimacing and lip biting antics were shown in full HD along with his face pulling and 'twistiness' as opposition members of Council asked questions of his majestic self, none of which he answered with glee.

The budget consultation which will effectively remove millions from services (although how much Sanderson couldn't answer) has had an instant response from the local health Trust who have decided to enlist 250 care workers and support families in their homes taking over the responsibilities for short term care from this pathetic Council. Making us here at murky believe that the Conservatives who broke away from the Council's joint care agreement with the local care trust last year must have chosen to slash budgets and back out of home care altogether, although the public won't get to know about it for another couple of months.

At the meetings his majestic self dropped his gaze as questions about charities, youth clubs and traditional elderly person day care slides were shown on the screens and as outsiders you could tell which Tories sit in Sandersons tribe and which sit in either the Cramlington splinter group and those still under the thumb  of Councillor Jackson the former deposed leader of Council who allowed his Councillors to run wild and free leading to the  production of false reports to the audit committee to damage the reputation of a leading independent Councillor who was asked to deliver those reports and of course the rewrite now proven to be broken, of the Council's constitution.

When the public get to know how they are to be affected by the savage cuts yet to be announced we're sure to hear the voices of disdain from the various Tory groups and the opposition Councillors will have a whale of a time when his majestic self breaks the news of his star item to spend the Council's massive trading profits on and the opposition asks the questions of 'why that'? When the County and its residents need so much help?

But let's ponder and guess what it won't be?

Social care and the elderly? Of course not, that's why the Care Trust has jumped early.

Communities and Community centres? Never.

Education? Do you need to ask, following the massive previous overspends damaging education in the West of the County.

Relieving deprivation and poverty? From a Tory council led by a farmer? 

Youth and crime prevention? Tut,tut.

County Hall in Morpeth? Have they not wasted enough on their five year refurbishment already?

Doesn't leave much, does it?, so the 'why that' noisy questions will be more valid than ever as the world moves forward leaving the constituents of the 'shambolists'* picking up the pieces which include the Rishi Sunak Tory gift of 7% inflation and the pressure on all jobs and services of the staff bullying cases nearing hearings in court and the further huge compensation bills those cases will cost the public but would a 'shambolist' or a majestic self worry, of course not, as just like their national leader they will simply give a grudging apology and forget the whole thing!

*'shambolists' a word becoming popular on blog sites to describe a group of people who regularly act in a shambolic manner.

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