With the chair of Northumberland County Council’ s Communities and Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel, the mysterious Councillor Nick Oliver proving to everyone that he didn’ t bother to read the papers for the meeting of his Committee and instead concentrated on a few back issues of the Beano he found flytipped at his local recycling depot on a day it was shut.
In a dangerous statement, he said he had been thinking hard about changing the way his overview and scrutiny panel worked. For a man whose job it was from 2017- 2021 to scrutinise the Councils Audit Panel when he held the post of Financial Portfolio member of the disgraced Councillor Peter Jackson's cabinet a job he completely failed in both his understanding and his practical dealing with finance, particularly when he got himself in a knot by missing payments of business rates from his own family’ s firm and got caught out by the press.
Councillor Oliver told his committee that he was changing his scrutiny committee and that in future they would not be given the opportunity to receive the Cabinet's policy reports to read and scrutinise. He said he would allow his committee to check the effects of them on communities after six months.
The stunned committee members fell silent for a moment. Then Labours Councillor Cartie from Wensleydale ward in the Town of Blyth said NO, I’ m not having that. It takes six months to get policy understood by staff on the ground so how will we be able to scrutinise the public's reaction when they won’ t have a reaction by then?
She was immediately joined by Councillors Dale and Gallacher who wiped the floor with Councillor Oliver and dumped his suggestions like cold sides of pork onto a marble slab for butchering.
On local known Conservatives social media it has been stated that the almost catastrophically shocked Councillor Oliver whom not a person in the world must have said no to previously had a ‘ face like a smacked bum’ following his altercation with opposition members of his brand new committee which is foundering in icy waters while the band plays on.
The Council which is currently being investigated for its selective view of partition politics with a high priest sitting in a confessional doling out penance instead of answers at every meeting and the opposition members of the Council denied the tools and information required to scope in either an overview and now being denied the ability to scrutinise decisions taken which affect the Counties communities which they represent.
Councillor Oliver's attempt at thinking seems to be the catalyst of appeasement to the man who brought him back from his disgraceful period of atonement for bringing the Council into disrepute, its Leader Councillor Glen Sanderson.
The Council is in so much trouble due to the secret nature in which it operates as a minority administration not even sharing good news among its own fractured Conservative jigsaw of miscreants. Therefore not allowing anyone to view Council policy and reports until six months after they have been introduced shows where the Council is heading and why an immediate change of direction is essential to safeguard communities County- Wide.
With the news from the Northern Echo that Northumberland has openly changed policy in secret over its Unilateral Declaration of Independence and is advertising the new nation of Northumberland on its road signs no wonder Councillor Oliver wants to listen to the voices in his head as he ‘ gives a little whistle and always lets his conscious be his guide’ Do we now know why he needs to keep Northumberland County Council policy secret for at least six months?!
A recent freedom of information request on unnecessary losses by Northumberland Council Housing as it fails the public in supporting those i...