Sunday, 30 October 2022

Sunak Dumps the ‘Red Wall’ and concentrates his Cabinet Selection on safe Tory Constituencies! to win some seats in future?


Rishi Sunak who in his first full working day in office decided to hide behind the Tories 2019 manifesto to stop fracking and exploration of shale gas areas. He must have done so after feeling the ground shaking around the 62 new boy Tories who gained ground in the North and East of the Country in former red wall seats.

We here at murky do have some other inklings and at first we thought Rishi must have read some of the comments from the Conservative members on the Ground particularly across Northumberland and the Midlands who were almost in tears when the ground troops of the Party didn’t get a vote as to who will lead them politically and most commentators would have rather had Larry the Downing Street cat lead the party than Rishi Sunak.

The Conservatives under Sunak are bracing themselves for the type of annihilation experienced by the Lib Dems after trusting Tory man, Cameron, in honestly leading them through a power sharing partnership and then slaughtering them on the altar of mammon and the question arose just as it did to Matthew in the Bible: Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters”. In the LibDems case it was Cameron's failure to stop Brexit after being so confident that he could and the suction of cash by the friends of the Conservatives out of an economy struggling with Austerity which they absolutely hated.

Sunak of course is a cheeky ‘devil’ and as a successful banker will come out of this horrific journey for ordinary families, labelled AUSTERITY 3 very well off indeed with his fortune increasing in parallel with his punishment of pensioners and the working class along with those who believe they are currently members of some sort of ‘Middle Class’, you will pay for the mistakes Boris Johnson let Rishi Sunak off with when they jointly ran the country.

That aside, as a nation we the public from Derbyshire to Northumberland have allowed the growth of a caste system over the last two decades and the sufferance of local people has been offset through the only positive (depending how you look at positive) growth item that of food banks. We at murky recall the Hartlepool by-election when a member of the public was interviewed on TV who thought the growth from one food bank in Hartlepool to three under the Tories was a good reason to vote Conservative and others followed in their droves.

Hartlepool is one of the ‘Red Wall’ seats expected to move back to Labour at any next general election and an analysis of new candidates chosen by the Labour Party Johnathon Brash, shows that Labour has moved on from Momentum and its the Tories who now have factions operating within their membership and those factions will float like scum to the surface now that Rishi Sunak has ditched the North and given Gove the job of levelling up the Blue Wall he has concentrated his Cabinet within.

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