Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Blind Panic to show that deregulation is popular? Truss to become Mother Hen!


Sure Start, one of the great aids to increasing help towards ensuring the nation's children were safe, well fed and kept was swept out under PM Cameron's time for cost. 

 His Government's decision piled the costs onto families to ensure the State had enough workers to ensure endless growth while part of the worlds largest economic bloc was a failure from the start and growing costs have made matters worse with families now paying 71% of mothers wages to have their children looked after.

 Truss, whose communication team haven’t been of much use since her promotion to PM have leaked out a Mother-Hen story to see if there can be any scope for a rise in popularity for her deregulation of everything plans. So instead of supporting an industry that has grown enormously through Tory methodology she should deregulate the children's health industry, ditch it and grind it into dust at a time when poverty is overwhelming families and millions are living in the new world of Neo Nasty Party deprivation.

 The Communication team from No10 are going to Truss up society further and cheapen the industry through a statement in coming days allowing anyone to look after your kids and the state will give you a grant to spend as you like, cutting out trained staff and health workers from seeing them at all.

 The televised system of advertising will show loving grandparents looking after children and mum paying them each month. The questions which need to put by professionals working in the NHS and Councils is how will we know how well our children are doing and is early learning going to suffer though this despicable deregulation rush?

The rise in the pension age is a huge conversation piece in towns and villages across the UK and many older people cannot understand why the nurse looking after them is almost as old and infirm as them. Truss time economics will ensure your kids are being looked after by people in the same state of health and the same age, who like to nap in the afternoons and have very little patience with the young of today.



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