Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Gove: Lets build 300,000 per year including Council and Social Housing, allow Interest Rates to soar and slash Capital Spend!


Michael Gove, leveling up secretary and the chief spinner of all things Governmental was on TV and in the media this week contradicting himself every couple of minutes.

 His plans to build 300,000 per year shared between the private and social housing sectors are admirable and his only caveat was that ‘building materials are hard to come by’.

 He seems to have forgotten that his Government’s financial crisis is raising interest rates by ANOTHER 0.75% this week and raging unrestricted inflation is pressing families on multiple fronts. He also didn’t turn a hair when asked how he expected Councils and Housing Associations to fund future building programs.

 His plans leave construction companies to either force the hands of Councils weak local plans and develop homes in countryside where they can still demand high prices from the few or contract business and center their businesses on the Continent to grasp the opportunities which are still available when trading with the other 27 Countries in the Euro bloc.

 Gove also indicated that an out of London project, HS2, will be slashed. That revelation  doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone viewing the Tories lack of infrastructure spend if it falls outside benefiting the capital. Travel into London for meetings has now been superseded by ‘Whats app’, Teams and Wire and Birmingham the proposed HS2 terminus also has an international airport with great rail links into the city if face to face is an issue for business in the future.

The last 14 years have seen the Tories gamble with the lives of the public and make many classes of society poorer. That element of their work is still ongoing and until they not only come clean about how many times and how many MP’s have lied to Parliament we will never get a national debate about how pathetic and if you're from Northern Ireland Tory negotiations to leave Europe were and still are very dangerous indeed, then just like we have come to expect from Tories everywhere and at every level, this Government fears a debate on Brexit labeling everyone who lost in the gamble remoaners. They will certainly want one after the next election, when people will vote just like Brazilians for freedom and democracy and not be mithered by the lies of a Government who only want to make ordinary people suffer to help the rich get richer.



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