Thursday, 6 October 2022

Truss' version of levelling up will concrete over the countryside right across Northumberland!

Simon Clarke MP the levelling up minister for the Truss Government in his speech to the Tory Party Conference last week illustrated how levelling up is now a thing of the past.

In his keynote speech he dedicated his platform time to talking up deregulation and investment zones, far removed from the program designed by the previous administration under Boris Johnson MP lowering the expectations of Councils and Mayors who were expecting more not less from Liz Truss.

Regulation is a great tool for those living in rural areas and the Councils who serve them who need to ensure a little equality is doled out across rural areas such as guaranteeing bus services are available to get children to school and adults to work and that enough GP’s are in place to look after communities and services are shared across rural and urban sites etc.

Deregulation loses the handle and misses the needs of local people, putting profit and venture capitalism before people.

In Northumberland this ‘new venture’ and direction from Government will be tested to the hilt as its emerging brand new Local Plan will be examined by venture capitalists looking to harvest cash from the wants of the rich who wish to live in the Countryside yet the Counties Local Plan has all future homes directed to the urban areas within its bounds.

Yet again the Conservatives have failed to connect with those who have supported them through thick and thin for decades and spreads rose petals across the way forward for developers and carpetbaggers to ensure it's the rich who benefit most from Ms Truss.

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