Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Scramble for Safer Seats begins as Northumberland three notice the Polls.


With the bookies shortening the odds on the fractionated Conservatives making an early election call following which most won’t return to the glory of their current seats even in some of the areas where it's expected that most people vote always vote Conservative after todays U-turn by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt screws many more families than it benefits.

 Today he re energised the energy crisis and removed eighteen months of support for bills from eleven times as many families as the Government's former plans supported.

 It's expected that all ‘red wall’ seats and former marginals will spin out of their control as the Tories do to their own Conservative buddies what they did to the LibDems a few short years ago.

 In Parliament and Local Government debate has begun on changes to the boundaries and a small imaginary Yorkshire constituency Satley Carm is central to many conversations about how areas should be split.

 Satley Carm is a conglomerate of a number of Constituencies buried deep in the North Pennines, mostly above the winter snow line where mathematically ‘No opposition voters dwell.’

 The three Tory MP’s from Northumberland have noticed the polls and it doesn’t take the trimming of a wick above their ears to realise they need to find a Satley Carm and fast where they can gain a nomination to run as an MP.

 The problem is that they are not the easiest of MP’s to win the hearts of voters in other areas in order to get a nomination:

 One only talks about the mishaps, trials and tribulations he and his family have suffered in recent years.

 Another doles out the same promises year after year and fails to deliver on any of them, convinced her constituents will believe her rhetoric and solidly follow like Norwegian Lemmings.

 The third is hell bent on attacking hundreds of his constituents whom he seems to have a hatred for and has upset so many people in his own party that he is unwanted and Satley Carm would be the only saviour for any future he may wish to have in UK politics.

This weekend it's advisable to stay away from roads leading into the deep Yorkshire Pennines as dozens of MP’s who want to find their own Satley Carm will be on the prowl as the last few weeks show that most Tories don’t listen or take advice from anyone whose mind may be classified as normal and their natural hatred of ordinary folk whom they consider inferior is racing to the surface to crawl all over their skin.


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