Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Life Under Northumberland Conservatives ‘is wick!’ They closed day centres and are opening up warm spaces?.

 Northumberland Tory, Councillor Richard Wearmouth a wannabe energy baron has been failing in his efforts to explain on a number of social media discussion sites about how pleased people living under the Tory banner should be that ‘his’ Administration at County Hall in Morpeth is expanding the number of places people can sit for hours and keep warm this winter.

We here at murky can use the term ‘his’ administration honestly, as Richard Wearmouth a long serving member of the well known in social media circles and often mentioned in the northumberland murky blogspot, Morpeth Mafia, is the deputy leader and puppet master of his leader in name only, Glen Sanderson and does not only orchestrate Northumberland Tories he is the top and most despised by the Conservatives on his council, Tory in the North-East region.

Since 2017 Councillor Wearmouth has operated from the shadows and also guided his local Tory MP’s into his way of thinking but the warm spaces project may be a hot water bottle too much as one of his proteges, Anne Marie Trevelyan MP has decided that Human Rights don’t matter when trade deals are to be negotiated by her. Nations who murder their young for complaining about issues and attend protest marches are to be brought in as post Brexit partners as Dominic Raab floats his version of lets slash your rights, as if your poor you need to know your place, as he sinks both the European and International version of the human rights act to bring in the Tories ‘the employer is always right’ humans don't matter version.

We at murky may trust the Tories as little as the Conservatives do and expect that the Tories have employers waiting in the wings to harvest items produced at the warm spaces when people get sick of sitting around but our prime thoughts are with the Good Law Project, a campaign group, which has announced that it is planning to sue Ofgem for raising the price cap to record levels, warning that the decision to raise the energy cap by 80% would "devastate families". They hope to prove that neither the Government nor ofgem have produced a full impact assessment on the effects on society, pensioners, those in need ect., of the changes they choose to force onto the public.

Although we must ask why the 'Church' has not forced the House of Lords to return early? as its congregations are so worried about what the future holds and in Northumberland why the coal magnate and energy expert Viscount Ridley isn't leading the recall? to air his many ideas on resolution of the energy crisis in public. Between them they could lead Councillor Wearmouth away from the crooked mile and end the need for Warm workhouses across Northumberland.



Sunday, 28 August 2022

Tories rollout of Universal Credit to all will bring out self serving prejudices and expand poor employment practices!


Brexit, brought out little britain into the public eye, fed xenophobia, bred the prejudice against your neighbours and gorged the racism that figures show had been in decline since the 1960’s. 

 The ‘New Brexit’ form of faschism is now to be used by the Tories to punish those who find themselves either poorly, in ill health, lowly paid, geographically or demographically excluded, suffer transport deprivation or are ‘pension gapped’, those who can no longer physically or mentally continue in their long term careers and cannot claim the state pension due to extended age restrictions.

 Work and Pensions Secretary Thérèse Coffey has introduced a change to the rules for Universal Credit claimants that will require those with health and income problems to attend compulsory weekly sessions at Jobcentres if they are not in work, or receive less than £494 in pay and benefits each month. 

 Shadow work and pensions secretary, Labour's  Jonathan Ashworth criticised Ms Coffey, saying she must "explain why she sneaked out this far-reaching change that will impact thousands of people", and calling for "a credible plan to help people find quality work not more Tory threats and sanctions".

 Real time Tory, Theresa Coffey MP who is named by Labour as the designer of this change while Parliament is out of session so that debate on the matter is nullified and the House of Lords don’t get a chance to vote on it seems to feed off the feeling that she hates those in society who are unable or unlucky enough to find themselves on the wrong side of Tory thinking as she can’t possibly have noticed that Universal Credit if your a single person is maxed out at £334.91 and she has previously been accused by Labour of hiding reports which show how many people commit suicide when sanctions are applied to their benefits.

 In her drive to ‘push down wages’ she is hell bent on introducing ‘forced labour’ onto 114,000 Universal Credit benefit claimants using her sanctions regime not as a lever but as a hammer to appease her fans, those unscrupulous employers who support the Tory party with funds.

 In rural Counties like Northumberland and Lincolnshire where travel for many is almost impossible and grossly unaffordable, where job centres have disappeared through austerity measures the government will have to set up additional ‘Tory Culture Centres’ to manage the weekly footfall this sneaky, nasty party policy will cause. Or are claimants to be used to form a ‘Land Army’ and be sent to rural work camps
to pick the fruit and veg that used to be picked by European based workers. 


Saturday, 27 August 2022

Home Secretary Priti Patel


To allow all towns to share refugees and asylum seekers

Home Secretary Priti Patel is to strip local authorities of a veto allowing them to avoid housing asylum seekers. Instead of being able to block the Government or private contractors acting on its behalf from purchasing or acquiring rental property in their area to receive migrants, town halls will be able to lodge objections only over specific streets or neighbourhoods, not towns. The move is part of efforts to reduce the number of asylum seekers being placed in hotels and to halt the expansion of the use of some areas and towns while protecting others in aspic.

This change of policy and the halting of Patels concentration camp developments through public outcry, may initially lead to higher numbers of homes of multiple occupancy in areas not normally associated with those types of development in rural counties like Northumberland and Somerset for example where single towns have to take the strain, but will widen the ‘trade’ in the Home Office system and allow landed estates, housing associations in more protected locations, Co-operative and trust housing companies to join in and ensure safe housing projects only get licensed and are opened up by well established housing providers outside of the landlords desperate to profit from the ending of the Government’s highly criticized Hotel dumping policy. 

The retraction by Patel will rapidly lead to cost shifting from her department and place the onus and huge cost factor of housing refugees and asylum seekers onto the Homes and Communities sector. The advantage will be that it will allow living conditions and the safety of refugees and asylum seekers to be monitored by the correct authorities helping them gain access to health and education in communities where services aren’t stretched to the limit due to over population and the effect of long term austerity on poorer towns.

The freeing up of hotels may also assist in the emergency housing for the six million people experts say will lose their homes this winter through the Government's failure to tackle run-away inflation and the enduring long term recession.

Sounds like a Priti awful savings plan from the Home Office but at least it should halt the disgraceful number of runaway children as Hotel setups are impossible to police correctly.


Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Tories ‘Peoples Crisis’


Is your housing provider preparing to put your rent up just in case?

Don’t bother to listen to Putin's nuclear threats, with current predictions from consultancy Auxilione that the energy price cap will move upwards from its current massively inflated £1,971 caused through an ignorant Government in power and no interest whatsoever in anything but money grabbing, to an eye watering £6,089 in April 2023 in order to claw back the triple lock pension rises from millions of elderly people. When coupled with the Howarth Housing Groups predictions that 6M people will become homeless this winter Putin doesn’t need to spend a ruble or leave his warm rooms in the Kremlin to see doomsday roll out across England.

The ‘People Crisis’ caused by factors that the Government seems to change on a regular and ongoing business is instigating huge concerns among families and pensioners who, because of demographics, area history, offshoring of manual and manufacturing jobs to maximise profit, the need to have low cost labour to call on when required and lack of investment in travel corridors for goods and services: People find themselves in an unenviable position now that uncontrolled inflation is stripping them of their dignity.

As cashflow dries up in households through the incompetence of the Governement of the day, comments that haven't been heard by us here at ‘Murky’ for at least three decades have risen from the grave are being repeated openly, particularly the sniping about Council tenants and how those who have or are purchasing their homes struggle while Council tenants live off their backs and spend the Council Tax they have to pay.

We know how ignorant those statements are but we aren’t aren’t sure if tenants are aware that isn’t true but it hasn’t been true since 1985 when the then Housing Act created ring fenced Housing Revenue Accounts to ensure Council’s couldn't spend the rents accrued from tenants and those accounts work both ways as the housing revenue account must be self sufficient that self sufficiency was locked in through the 2011 localism bill.

The separate account was tested in Northumberland in the winter of 1985 when many homes across the County were still heated with solid fuel, a severe frost caught the County during the Christmas period. With lots of people staying with relatives, burst pipes were unbelievably numerous and the damage to homes was catastrophic and took some months to correct, stressing the housing revenue accounts to the hilt. At that time housing authorities could still borrow through their Council’s and repayments were staged to ensure the Housing Revenue Accounts could cope and they eventually recovered.

The doomsday scenario predicted by experts, ‘Energy Caps’ tripling and companies selling in that industry instead of making £16M profit a second as they do today will boost cash for their shareholders upwards of £48M a second with no sign of a tulipmania' speculative bubble burst as energy stock is held for a long time and carpetbaggers don’t get the opportunity to step over the threshold very often, they are already locked in to this industry.

So we here at Murky need to ask, with Northumberland County Council being borrowed up the hilt, taking on massive debt this year to stretch capital cash acquired to a mind boggling £1Bn+, do they still have enough scope or is the right word ‘gap’ in their accounts to assist its Council housing tenants with its prudential borrowing needs* when their tenants are forced to turn off their heating in order to eat and ‘Jack Frost’ himself begins to knock on Northumberland’s Council house doors?.

Prudential =

*Cost effective, practical, efficient, prudent, best value

Of course we almost forgot, that Northumberland County Council hasn’t achieved Best Value on behalf of its residents since 2017.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Landlord and Tory County Councillor tells meeting Northumbrians aren't worth as much as Londoners.


Warkworth Councillor, landlord and top Liz Truss supporter Jeff Watson who has actively chased the additional income being a County Councillor with additional responsibilities since 2008 brings into the counting house well positioned in his garden has shown his constituents how right wing his politics have become.

History shows that Councillor Watson began his Northumberland County Council career as an independent. Reading the runes he quickly joined up to pursue his rise in rank as the Conservatives at that time became a CIG, a Conservative and Independent group with an unhealthy alignment with the Liberal Democrat administration from 2008 to 2013.

His true colours didn't take 14years to unfold and the revelation he prefers those he looks down upon to be treated like serfs, paid a pittance and should bow to those from the South of England as displayed by his well reported outburst at the county council's health and wellbeing committee as he was heavily involved in the proposed outsourcing of services in partnership with North Tyneside Conservatives as early in his career as 2010-11.

But his outburst illustrates that if he had bothered to read the reports sent to him for the meeting he surely would have noticed that median average pay in the North East of England is the lowest in the UK. Of course his rapid change from independent to conservative and now ultra right wing thinking and doing tory supports that untenable position and lines his beliefs firmly behind Liz Truss the candidate for premiership another opportunist who left the LibDems to chase the cash by lining up her 'Jacobs coat' on the same rack as Boris Johnson.


Sunday, 14 August 2022

When's the next election? LibDems lining up Newsham and South Blyth!


The Tories in Northumberland whose plans included doing nothing; (as when you try to do something, your wide open to criticism), are finding it very difficult as the unstoppable machine, wound up by the last Labour administration at County Hall is bringing travel improvements into South East Northumberland in the shape of the reopening of the Ashington Blyth and Tyne rail line.

This doing something, whilst organising a secret council isnt too good for the Tories and the truth behind the height of a flyover on the new dual carriageway to Cramlington's shops designed to damage Blyth town centre irreparably,  leaving a street of traditional houses without adequate parking, has brought the 'Old Fox', mr misery-mee lib dem himself, Jeff Reid and his cronies out from under their mossy stones to steal the debate as the Tories stay away in the wake of their national decline.

Railway Cottages, Newsham, is just one of the 'killing fields' the Tories in South-East Northumberland will experience with residents raging against their administration at County Hall on many fronts as the leader, 'safe seat Sanderson' hangs onto the cash needed to help the dilemma residents of Railway Cottages find themselves in just in case the fall out from their dreadful 'Caller report' costs them dearly as the monsters unfold from the second hand carpets being rolled out in the very unfinished County Hall in Morpeth the cost of which is one of the secrets that won't come out until the administration is changed at the ballot box with results readers predicting Labour and the LibDems expected to share the majority of seats they will bring bring some honesty, a breath of fresh air and openness for residents onto their agendas.

When's the next election?

Friday, 12 August 2022

Is Ian Levy MP only suing businesses in the dying Town of Blyth or is he suing IPSA and the Press for telling the truth?


The beleaguered and now sounding very petty MP for Blyth Valley, the Conservative Ian Levy seems to have opened up a war with business people from the largest Town he represents, Blyth in Northumberland.

Following a huge number of social media posts and comments since 2019 about the lack of response from him to questions from the public, a concerned resident posted a video on YOUtube asking him questions regarding openly available information from the press and IPSA linking the video with an urgent appeal for help for businesses in Blyth illustrating the number of closed shops littered about the towns trading centre. 

Although this video may not be in the image Mr Levy wishes to portray of himself or a Town he represents he should really take the video as a compliment that people do want to communicate with him and attempt to pour oil on troubled waters in Blyth and not act in the manner of an ogre and drive ever more people away from trust in his position as a local MP.

Mr Levy appears to have lost the plot over this video and social media sites state that he is suing people who were involved with the production of the video, or/and sharer and commentators of the video which it's said run into many hundreds of people. He of course did run short handed from April 2020-Jan 2021 and only claimed £511 in staffing costs and £18,118 in office costs which appears contradictory to the IPSA issued accounts as reported in the Northumberland Gazette.

Other social media sites and commentators believe he is only suing selective sharers which appears to be in breach of the equality acts as defined here in the UK and not how top people are expected to behave as most would simply take any criticism and find out how they can improve matters and image for both them and their constituents.

The links below may help.


‘Ian Levy, who was elected in December 2019, spent £215,600 on office running costs in 2020-21, including £183,700 on staff wages and £31,900 on other office expenditures’.



Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Where do Northumberland Tories sit in the ‘Race to the Bottom’


With hundreds of thousands of people now at crisis point following twelve years of Tory rule, through the siphoning off of profits for the rich and removal of support for those at the bottom, leaving many the only option of attending the ‘workhouses without walls’ which foodbanks have become are now about to be sent on to real life workhouses as Liz Truss launches her ‘Public Heatbank’ program.

Social media seems to rule out Sunak and a colossal surge of love towards Liz Truss from Northumberland’s Tories appears to be where they are at.

Truss who may have u-turned on regional pay boards for now has attacked Northumberland’s largest neighbour Scotland and rubbished its leader, as she has no idea how much help the County gets from its Scottish neighbours and how reliant the Conservatives in the County have become on the Nationalists over the border for steerage on policy.

Let’s take a look at why Northumberland needs to emulate Scotland in assisting the population to survive the crisis the Tories have both created and now have everyone in.

Instead of promoting public heatbanks which in Northumberland may be placed in community centres, a new Tory culture centre or two or church halls in rural areas the all purpose unitary council which holds amazing powers and hasn’t used them since 2017 should emulate Scotland and provide £25 per week per child to every household with children under 16 from October 2022 and change the way in which family units can help each other.

A windfall tax on energy suppliers, stopped by ‘Bojo the great’ the nations outgoing emperor needs to be grasped with both hands and instead of your mother, father, granny and grandad being sat in a church hall knitting dishcloths or whatever other workhouse manufacturing is planned to go on in a Tory heat bank and only those in real crisis outside of families should need help through our rapidly growing workhouses without walls food bank system.

So the noise must ‘Come on Tories’ and do something as you have achieved nothing of note since 2017 except conserving your lack of achievement for a rainy day, well we can tell you it’s raining now.


Thursday, 4 August 2022

The bleating forgetful Councillor Peter Jackson demands an investigation into 2016 activities of NHS international partnerships

 Last week, after the Conservative County Council used public money to buy themselves out of a series of Industrial Tribunals and Council Standards Boards investigations into wrongdoings disgraced former Council Leader, Councillor Peter Jackson joined his team at Northumberland County Council’s Audit Committee and began to raise the roof.

 Remembering that this is the same Councillor who ‘forgot he had a planning application for a wind farm on his land, used public money to pay huge legal fees to protect himself after he blew his own Governments plans to open up land for ‘Garden Village’ in the County, (which has led to homes being built as close to Northumberland’s boundaries as possible by Newcastle City Council, ruining the village feel of Ponteland part of which he represents). He was also accused of letting his henchmen Councillors run amok and put their own written reports packed full of lies through the Councils Audit Committee and when challenged by the International Auditors EY gave them Hobsons choice with his answers and they left the Council to its own devices.

 He was eventually thrown out of office as leader of the Conservative Group on the County Council by a combination of opposition Councillors and rebels from his own party.

 His roof raising comments included the rant of “the Council should go back to 2016 and investigate the ’International Department’”. His Conservatives won the May 2017 election in Northumberland following a nine year release of untruths turning both a LibDem and a Labour administration into ‘Toxic’ Councils in the eyes of the public. His toxicity doesn’t end there and the relief that his Party members had voted to get rid of hearings and investigations into their actions, all of which of course they denied but leaving the Council even more Toxic than under both of its previous administrations since 2008.

 So we thought that we would help and truthfully look at the InternationalTrading of the NHS from 2016 which the Council became a partner of in an administrative capacity and did not become a full entity entry into the partnership until Councillor Jackson signed a deal after whingeing on for months and dragged his henchmen off to London to suffer the ‘Bright Lights’ at the ratepayers expense. The photos above illustrate the beanie.


The link below shows how innocent and necessary for all involved the NHS trading arm was, an excellent idea from Northumbria NHS Foundation Trust poisoned by Councillor Jackson and his malignant party.




‘EXPOSED’ Questions about legality of decision making as Northumberland Tories write of eligible applicants?

A recent freedom of information request on unnecessary losses by Northumberland Council Housing as it fails the public in supporting those i...