Thursday, 12 May 2022

Tories and their LibDem mates 'fall at the first hurdle' and fail the public on planning matters.


After 14 years of farming and rural Tory interference in planning Northumberland County Council produced and published a new local plan in the image of Margaret Thatcher a few short weeks ago as most of them kiss her picture on their mantlepiece as they leave to run their serfs ragged on the landed estates they dwell on. It was the only image they could design a plan around due to the limited vision that Tory culture allows.

But in the new local plans first test of compliance at the Tynedale Area planning committee on Tuesday 10th May 2022 the cosy gang of Tories and their joined by the hip pals the LibDems politicised a planning application. (It's an unlawful action in planning terms)

At this juncture we will place a link to the meeting at the foot of the page and not name the applicant as he may be an innocent party, we say that because this action may have arisen to put officers on the spot and show them that 'rural councillors rule O.K.' as the dreadful abysmal bullying of good people who work for tge council rolls on and on.

The application had been previously 'refused' the reasons are in the link, that refusal had been supported on appeal by the applicant by a planning inspector.

A Councillor called the application back to a 'rural' area committee where officer and inspectors advice was shredded and the decision overturned by the Conservatives and LibDems in the room. The Chairperson did his usual and abstained as soon as the numbers were in the bunny bag.

Disgraceful planning activity from the Tories has been a prominent element of the current administration at County Hall which rolled over from the actions of many of the same Councillors for the last 14yrs with trades people and developers hoping the new local plan would shine a light of decency on the subject and melt away the planning horrors of the past.

How wrong can people be?

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