Sunday, 22 May 2022

Minister enjoys attacking Trade Unions rather than ensuring better road safety in Northumberland!


Grant Schapps, the transport minister has decided to forget his duties and have a poke at extending  anti trade union legislation instead of ensuring he fulfills his promises.

His Tory Party history is littered with accusations that he is the original Mr Murky at the highest level and was involved in the leaking of anti George Osborne info to the right wing press from Wikipedia, here’s the link from the Guardian:

Locally it's said he has links with Jack Gebhard the famous contributor to Morpeth Matters who it appears is now employed as the Chief of Staff at the UK parliament,nice work if you can get it. He was set on in his new role after the Dame Laura Cox enquiry into bullying at Westminster, but did his changes to stem bullying lead to the PM deciding to party with his staff on a number of occasions and if so is it now policy that boozing’s better than bullying in the national Tory party handbook?

In the knowledge that the current Tory designed and led national

crisis is forcing people to demand more help from the Government, the Trade Unions are growing in numbers as a consequence, So in an attempt to sterilise them further with a swathing Franco like 1930’s legislative move which kept the poor starving and brought about a civil war,Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has told the Sunday Telegraph that the Government is set to draw up laws requiring minimum numbers of rail staff to work during a strike. The law would make any industrial action illegal if those levels were not met. Mr Shapps has accused unions of treating strikes as a first rather than last resort. How deluded is the man but he does look a bit like a clean shaven neo-liberal from that time period doesn’t he?

Our team are expecting this to be another failure for Schapps and will lead to long winded court appearances for the man who unlawfully decided to build a tunnel under Stonehenge has dithered on the AB&T Line reopening full funding, cut back on transport for the North, upset mayors galore whose promises haven’t been backed up and has left the County Council in Northumberland unfunded for its three most needed propositions that will benefit people most, the extension of safe highway on the A1 To Scotland, changing it from back lane to dual carriageway, a similar safety matter from Hexham to Carlisle of the A69 and the bypass roads to stop the poisoning of residents in Blyth, the county’s largest Town before the opening of Britain's biggest battery factory in the River Blyth estuary.

Possibly for the best for as without Jack Gebhard sitting at the Deputy Leader of Northumberland County Council’s right hand the Conservatives in Northumberland couldn’t manage ‘two moles in a bucket’ and who would trust them with extending the A1 when it's taking 48 weeks of road closure to repave a small street in the centre of Blyth.

The national picture is not much better and Schnapps Department will probably have to carry the burden of the 90,000 civil servant pay off more than most as his dithering and dallying has proven the old adage ‘He who expecteth nothing is never disappointed’ and apart from murkiness the nation seems to expect very little indeed from the windmills of the mind of the ‘new man of La Mancha’?

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