Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Their Chickens are coming home to roost?


                              Panic to block up the coop!

The story of how ‘Bullygate’ at County Hall in Morpeth has come off its hinges and began to fall apart and joiners have been called in from their lodges to fix what now looks like the entrance to the crooked man's mile is a fascinating one.

The run out of the tale from ‘Hans’ Sanderson in the news last week after the Taxpayers Alliance had blown the fact that £120,000 of the £180,000 unauthorised additional payments to the Councils Chief Executive should ensure a guillotine is built in Newgate Street in Morpeth and the tumbrills full of Tories should be queued up waiting for the chop as Hans declares the payments were not fraudulent and ‘no one's to blame’.

Typical Tory spin, but Hans story lines have been subject to a reasonable number of hits from people who fell on hard times over the last three years and have been exposed to the frightening interviews from the Councils fraud team and they want to know why the same team have not dragged in Hans and the former leader and well known lothario ‘Casanova Jackson’ and even the Chief Executive herself?.

Hans has gone on to spin another tale in public on a couple of occasions recently coming out to ensure he is front and centre in the recruitment of consultant and Local Government hit-man Max Caller CBE that's following Hans revelations from November 2020 when the Hexham Courant reported that preliminary findings by an independent consultant had already found no evidence of wrongdoing by Mrs Lally. So we are beginning to believe the stories that Hans and his deputy and sidekick Sancho Panza Wearmouth have been seen in Dunelm in Cramlington being protected from Crams Conservatives by a reasonable crew of captain Ahab’s pirates ordering a giant blackout curtain to cover over the investigations with the words ‘Its True Mister Honest’ emblazoned in bright blue all over it.

But denials and secrecy has dogged the Tories since 2017 with news reports from Hans stating ‘No problems found in Advance’, on 22 Feb 2022 with another press statement on 31 March 2022 stating that a report into Advance Northumberland from KPMG will not be shared with the public. Another cover bought from Dunelm?, could be as previously the centre of bully gate Ms Lally warned of "continuing weaknesses in governance" at Advance and issues in communication and "trust" between the company and the council - though at the time the company insisted improvements had been made and council leader Hans Sanderson - speaking in a political capacity rather than on behalf of the authority - defended the company.

So it appears the Tories, pre guillotine are still looking for someone to blame as ‘Its True Mister Honest’ is the new tattoo they are all wearing with space left underneath for that adage from the classic collection on Morpeth Matters 'It's all Labour's fault init’ and as Hans is front and centre in paying the Consultant Mr Caller is he also calling the tune or will those Morpeth Tories spin it over again and again and again like Boris Johnson until even the taxpayers alliance get dizzy!

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