Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Redundancy notices for 20% of civil servants and kicking the Lord's out of Westminster kills off devolution and Gove's need for more mayors?


The hopelessness of the wants and needs of both Michael Gove and Boris Johnson is causing angst at all levels of Government and local government as their most recent announcements clash in both the 'culture' of the current Tories in Parliament and the promises of the levelling up secretary Michael Gove with Johnson acting as a warlord stating the cash he will save will be spent on 'helping those in need'.

Loosening the reins and losing 20% of the nation's civil servants not only puts another 90,000 families onto the breadline it kills levelling up stone dead and who will be more in need of help than the 90,000 families whose lives and future plans are about to be placed in jeopardy.

This is certainly a culture war issue as Johnson attempts to emulate his idol Mrs Thatcher who wiped out the mining, shipbuilding and steel industries at a stroke and placed hundreds of thousands of families in a position that many communities have not recovered from more than thirty years on.

But the problem facing the Tories with this latest attack on workers is that civil service jobs have been used as bribery for the acceptance of mayors in the name of both levelling up and devolution for quite some time and without the numbers being exposed to those culture war battles the public will instantly see the inability of mayors to deliver on the Government's promises rendering them a castrated force.

But the next culture issue leaves Gove, out on his own. He is kicking the Lord's out of Westminster while the massively costly refurbishment to 'level up' the twisted constitutional home of democracy takes place and suggests they should try Stoke on Trent for their new home!

A bit of advice, the Lord's really need to get on the blower to Northumberland County Council and ask them for the use of the near empty County Hall in Morpeth, there's a station nearby and it's where the nations dual carriageways end or should that read where the nations dreams end?

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