Thursday, 19 May 2022

County Hall Tories have to face Conservatives who want them replaced; as Council Leader spins out dodgily in the regional press.


The local and regional newspapers have gone to print with a story regarding the full release of the long awaited Governance report into the wrongs delivered by right wing Tory Councillors against staff and opposition members of Council over the last nine years.

Before going into print the press should have spoken with Conservatives across the County of Northumberland who have leaked issues surrounding the report on social media as the internal battle and culture wars between the same banner members boil over.

The story issued by the Tory Leader states that at a public meeting about to be called by the Council the report will be issued to Councillors at the meeting and the Council will be told that they must buckle down and change their ways to suit the report in front of them or be dealt with in the same fashion as Liverpool or Northampton.

That part of the story is correct, but the full report on Mr Callers findings, according to local Conservatives, will sit in the safe at County Hall under lock and key.

 The Conservatives are not happy that the revelations within the report, the savagery dished out to employees, the favoritism and leaning towards Tory Councillors who have steered issues towards themselves, the dodgy legal advice issued to stop debate, the reasons huge payments were made to people they did not like and the spin machine operators who ran the Tories Murky blogspots will not be named, leaving major issues scattered all over the public realm not being brought into the public arena and scrutinised so that the Council, described by many as the most secretive in the UK will be able to sweep the real matters under the dusty mat at the almost empty County Hall.

So for those who had hoped that the Tories would be found out and the conservative majority within their wider party would force change on them you are about to be disappointed and the outcome will still leave the nasty party locked on their pedestals viewing you all from above. 


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