Saturday, 24 April 2021

Workers and Trade Unions need to know about their futures?

Tory secret Cabinet needs to tell the truth!

Social Media comment surrounding the May 6th election 2021 is beginning to settle on a very small number of issues. In a year when social media is driving election communications like never before we here at Murkey have been watching how much comment which includes questions about the future of Northumbria Healthcare Trust Adult Care sector and workforce is being removed from Tory candidate sites quicker than the proverbial from a stick.

We have spoken with a number of workers across the County who are seriously concerned about their future and the life chances for their families who wish to engage in a career in care in the future.

The only news that workers have is that the much exalted at Government level, partnership between Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust and Northumberland County Council will end in September 2021 and the Tories at County Hall are cock-a-hoop about it.

Its also been revealed through our sources that Councillors outside the single party Cabinet at Northumberland do not have any detail at all regarding the replacement for the Adult Care service for patients and for those workers in the Charities which contract with the Care Trust and deliver in home care to people, rumours are rife about the possible lack of job security in the long term.

We are aware through watching social media that Tory Councillors and candidates outside of the Cabinet structure have been instructed not to get into any debate at all on the breakup which leads us to worry about whats being cooked up.

A short snippet picked up from a leading cabinet members facebook page regarding what he and others were doing one day in October 2019 may lead us to the answer. As well as bullying staff, some Cabinet Members were going to hear about Social Care Co-operatives from an expert in the field.

For those who don’t know, Social Care Co-operatives remove the democratic accountability for patients from care and use a client contractor split basis to deliver care, harking back to how the Thatcher Government dealt with the demise of democracy in Council Housing which led tenants to rush out from the protection of the Council and gift their homes to Housing Associations.

For the Trade Unions who work in the Local Government field they will be able to explain how quickly workers rights and the public sector pension schemes are eroded and replaced with much lesser deals and that's one of the big savings to a co-operative that Tory employers love but will contribute a massive blow to the Counties economy in the future as workers plans for their retirement are eroded or in many cases simply melt away.

If this is to be the future planned by the Tories at County Hall then they need to make an immediate response to our teams question today and come clean about the planned future for the huge workforce which looks after the elderly and infirmed in a county which is well known nationally as home to an aging society.

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Our Council has raised tax by 4.99% and you won’t believe what they are spending your money on?

Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive ...