Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Hartlepool Failure


Just another mess you got yourself into Olly?

Nick Oliver’s Latest book

Chapter 2

Rob from the poor to feed me and the rich’

Northumberland Councillor and Finance Portfolio holder of the secret council explains in his new book why and how you should have your pockets filled by the taxpaying public while supporting the starvation of kids and pooh pooh the loss of five heads of finance during his four year reign as the Tory 'Sheriff of Morpeth’ because he knows better than them.

His latest personal mess was made just a few weeks ago when he went public with his expectation that he would be selected as the Tory candidate for the Hartlepool by election.

His reputation must have gone before him as the Hartlepudlian Tories chose a North Yorkshire woman before him. 

This rejection of him as an MP candidate must be galling. Especially as his group at county hall in Morpeths are quite famous for the bullying of women and to be overlooked for a female candidate would have him raging. (good job the pubs are closed in Corbridge).

But chapter two in his new book still features how to get away scot free with the responsibilities life throws in our way, such as paying your taxes.

His fame as someone who doesn't bother to comply is well documented in the reply to a recent complaint about his mismanagement of his own family affairs which has featured heavily on social media. 

His teeth skin is well marked into his bottom lip in order that he doesn’t trip over his disappointment as he has been whining and wailing ever since the Legal Services department of the Council responded to one of the complaints made about his activity.

We have reproduced the letter below.


Dear Sir/Madam,

Complaint – NNDR Recovery

I am writing with reference to your complaint dated 21st January 2021 regarding the

Council’s enforcement of particular debts relating to business rates. I will deal with each

part of your complaint in turn.

a) Katie Kerr Ltd. Why were recovery proceedings not followed in these two cases

according to the Council Tax and NNDR Recovery Policy on 6 separate occasions (2

x property) as agreed annually by Full Council ?

Recovery proceedings were followed in this matter as I will set out below:

i) 16 Hill Street, Corbridge, NE45 5AA – Rate Account Number 2800311886

Balance outstanding up to 26.3.20 was £20,087.48

The Council followed the procedure set out in the Non-Domestic Rating (Collection and

Enforcement)(Local Lists) Regulations 1989 by issuing a rates bill on 29.11.19 followed bya reminder notice on 17.1.20. A summons was issued on 12.2.20 following which a liability order was made by the Magistrates’ Court on 19.3.20. Before enforcement of the liability order taking place a winding-up order was made on 26.3.20 and the Council has submitted a claim in the proceedings. Based on the liquidator’s report the Council is unlikely to receive a dividend.

The Council was made aware in late 2019 that the company had occupied the property

since July 2015 and therefore would have a rates liability from that date. This impacted on the small business rate relief previously granted for the other property at 22 Hill Street. The company received Retail Discount from 1.4.19 to 26.3.20.

ii) 22 Hill Street, Corbridge, NE45 5AA – Rate Account Number 2620841575

Balance outstanding up to 5.3.20 was £10,701.15

The Council followed the procedure set out in the Non-Domestic Rating (Collection and 

Enforcement)(Local Lists) Regulations 1989 by issuing the rates bill on 14.1.20 followed by a reminder notice on 18.2.20. Before any further action took place a winding-up order was made on 26.3.20 and the Council has submitted a claim in the proceedings. Based on the liquidator’s report the Council is unlikely to receive a dividend.

The company was liable for business rates from 27.9.07. The company received partial 

small business rate relief Between 27.9.07 and 31.3.19, as well as retail rate relief 

between 1.4.14 and 31.3.16 and paid the balance of rates due each year without the need for any enforcement action to be taken.

The Council was made aware in late 2019 that the company had occupied the other 

property at 16 Hill Street since July 2015 and therefore would have a rates liability from 

that date. 

The retrospective change was made to the rates records which impacted on the small business rate relief previously granted for 22 Hill Street. 

The relief was reduced retrospectively resulting in the debt becoming due. The Council followed the process set out in legislation, the Non-Domestic Rating (Collection and Enforcement)(Local Lists) Regulations 1989, in a timely manner as outlined above. Once the winding-up order was made the Council became a creditor in the liquidation.

b) Did County Councillor N. Oliver representing the Corbridge Ward, Portfolio 

Holder for Finance, Director of Katie Kerr Ltd. receive preferential treatment ?


No preferential treatment was given or asked for. The process followed would be applied to any ratepayer in the same circumstances. 

The liability for rates was that of Katie Kerr Limited and not Councillor N Oliver and the 

billing and collection process was followed in a timely manner after the Council was 

notified of the change of circumstances outlined in a) above.

We are not aware if the external auditor is looking at this matter but if their not, why not?

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