Sunday, 25 April 2021

Levy Family ditch Cram Tories to support the ‘nasties’?

On this blog you rarely see us praising our competitor for readership the so called Northumberland Murky Blogspot which over the last six years has poured hot vitriol over any middle of the road blog seeking to tell the truth about the extremists involved with and in Tory politics in Northumberland, but this week we would like to thank them for exposing the Levy family for what they are.

It appears that the NMB is in possession of information that the Levy’s are in full support of bringing back the Leader of the Morpeth Mob, Peter Jackson who was accused of promoting bullying, corruption, dodgy land dealings, racism and numerous other nasty party irregularities including the mass replacement of finance officers who may have caught them out. Whilst pooh poohing the fact that the accounts of the County Council have failed all tests since he became Leader, a very important fact to take into consideration when voting on May 6th.

 He was sacked as Leader of Northumberland County Council in a coup to stop the disgraceful actions against Council Officers by a coalition of Labour, Independent and Cramlington Conservatives, Daley, Dunbar and Swinburn.

Levy's alignment with the ultra right wing mob shows that they have also ditched the Cramlington Conservatives whose wider group were responsible for selecting Ian Levy as their successful candidate for the 2019 General Election.

Ditching your mates is something the Levy’s can ill afford to do as under Conservtive party rules you need your mates backing to ensure the longevity of your career in politics but with the families now public alliance with the Mob via the matriarch of the Levy’s then we now all know what she is, as the clarity that the Tory powerbase in Cramlington is rapidly fading and the ship jumping wife of a sitting MP is now getting used to the big bank balance her hubby is salting away to change her lifestyle forever and will readily face the bulying from the Northumberland Tory Mob in order to keep the goodies rolling in to her purse, as she must know how badly these Tories treat second class women just look at the torture the millionaire lothario Peter Jackson has allegedly put his wife through in recent months when his alleged affair with another power mad Tory was publically exposed.

Good on you NMB for bringing this dangerous debacle to everyone's attention.

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Our Council has raised tax by 4.99% and you won’t believe what they are spending your money on?

Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive ...