Friday, 8 January 2021

Did Councillor Hill ask the right question to the wrong half of the fracture?


At the last you tubed full council meeting of Northumberland County Council during questions to the Leader and Cabinet, Councillor Georgina Hill responding to the strong rumours from the very broken team of Tories surrounding the pantomime throne at County Hall asked the Leader, Councillor Glen Sanderson, if the 'Council had asked Government Ministers to place the Council in special measures'?

Councillor Sanderson answered NO!

At the close of the meeting social media was alive with keyboard activists asking if Councillor Sanderson had lied to the public.

We here at Murky aren't sure that he did lie as following our full trawl of rumour mill comments mainly from known Tories on the special measures issue we believe Councillor Sanderson simply answered the question as asked. But was he guilty of missing out the truth behind the iron curtain the Tories have cast across the stage at the 'Morpeth Playhouse' they are the prime actors and fading stars on?

First of all we will look at why a Council that has made a disastrous mess of its finances with leading members of its administration being investigated for Bullying, Corruption, Dodgy Land Dealings, Racism and we now are led to believe Threatening Behaviour would need to be placed in special measures? instead of following the road its currently set on. That set road is one where the allegations which are being investigated by top Lawyers and External Auditors before any criminal content of those investigations are reported to the police. 

We believe that its because if a Council is placed in special measures by Government its top officers are automatically removed from office by Government. 

The current situation the Tories find themselves in was released into the public domain following an email from its top officer being leaked to all Councillors and on to the press, the guilty Councillors are terrified that without help from their Government they are facing prison at worst or at least, ruination of their already sullied reputations.

Councillor Hills question was valid and she deserves an answer to it as she has been used by the Tories and we suspect bullied by them in her position as Chair of Audit to legitimise untruths for the last three years but with this massively fractured group battling behind the scenes on a regular and ongoing basis who should she place a re-framed question to? We believe the new question should be something surrounding 'who asked MP's and Ministers to seek an old pals act favour and place Northumberland County Council into Special Measures'

Councillor Sanderson's answer may then be different.

But the answer to that question may already sit on the recording of this meeting on Youtube or if you can access a digital recording even better. Simply hone in and study the faces of Tories at the meeting they tell their own story. You may also be able to define who sits on either side of the serious political fracture while your watching!


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