Friday, 15 January 2021


 In control of almost £1Bn of public cash.

What a week this has been for Northumberland’s obviously schizophrenic rebirth of Stan and Oly, Councillors Wearmouth and Oliver who rolled out a pathetic consultation with Councillors on live TV using a set of slides which must have been produced on an Atari Zx.

Over the week in full public view we have seen those who believe they were democratically elected as the professional officers of the Council bare their other temporal halves in full Trumpian style and show the watching world how bullying your way to the top excludes you from accepting that rules exist and that their innate belief they have unquestionable powers similar to a sun god is welded into their grey (or is that Murky) matter. The game they played out in front of a live audience could have been boxed and sold as, ‘Pathetico’ the latest board game for the under 5’s.

We have also witnessed at first hand by Olly of the bullying and demeaning of minor officers on a planning matter. Followed by the obvious to all split in the Tory Party when he was pulled up about not following the rules, (sun gods don’t have to apparently) and his twisted and self belief that his PR is the true PR, when as we know he spun out a propaganda item on how good he was at handling the covid 19 pandemic across the County.

Thats enough of Olly!

‘Stan’s’ involvement, as the man who turned Northumberland County Council into the secret society showed himself up well and truly as he sat there in his capacity as Chair of Advance Northumberland spinning out sickly ‘I love you please come and speak with me comments’ and I will dole out cash to upgrade your high street to the shocked members of the opposition at all of the Local Area Council meetings. His spun out platitudes were a strong and simple emetic as the faces of the opposition members greened before they threw up. Stan the man has locked down Northumberland so much that at this weeks meetings even his Leader Glen Sanderson and his Deputy Leader Richard Dodd abandoned all hope and didn’t bother to turn up and neither did the professional officers whose job it is to run the Council, manage the staff and accurately deliver advice to all members and the public on an almost £1Bn budget.

Where were the top financial officers, or the CEX and her Deputy? Have Stan and Olly had them chained up in the Tower when they crept in to swipe the Raven that reported to have disappeared, or have they been issued with copies of Zoom that can let Covid 19 through the County Council’s secret electronic system?


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