Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Labour Council to Freeze Your Local Tax

 At its meeting this week, its expected that Labour controlled Blyth Town Council will freeze its precept to 0%.

The Labour Group on the Town Council whose work brings them very close to the people know how local folk are struggling at this moment in time through 11% of the Adult population unemployed and an unreleased number of families on furlough.

Blyth Labour Group who have taken the Marmot report 2020 on deprivation into consideration decided to work in harmony with other agencies on Operation Elf. 

It was designed to give support for those in need and children living in poverty in the Town and ensure families got some respite over the Xmas period, with the Mayor of the Town Warren Taylor visiting every street in Blyth with gifts and cheer for those who required help and to be seen by those who pulled out all the stops to donate to this very worthy cause.

Blyth Town Labour Group in the shape of the Council normally sponsor the Music Festival (Blyth Live), Blyth town fair, fireworks events along with arts and other public festivals held in the Town throughout the year with Councillors supporting local events organised by others between their own programmed work and have brought a good many tourists to the Town through their constant efforts in the field of public arts.

Councillors tell us they are not yet sure about the events program for 2021-22 and won't be until the pandemic has eased but they will be waiting to pounce and organise a good many things for people to enjoy as soon as they can.


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