Friday, 19 April 2024

Sanderson’s secret cabinet fails more times than his Government's monetary policies? Or your grandad's cheap watch.


“We need more money to deliver services” Why? Because we have lost control of our pay bill!


More Government Inspectors needed urgently.

During 2022 when the spend, spend, spend Northumberland County Council Leader, Glen Sanderson and his secret cabinet were caught out for the fourth time by funding the highest rich list payments in the North-east for their bloated top staffing team.The hard to embarrass leader of Council and his empire building cabinet members crept out from under their stones and promised to reduce the top earners pay bill by £1M. They went on to cut the pay bill all right, by £13.2 million by slashing jobs and slowing recruitment of skilled and professional employees by trying to replace them with a few apprentices.


The almost complete collapse of service delivery is entirely the fault of the leader of council and his deputy having no control at all over their empire building cabinet members who all want  top paid advisors whispering in their ears while the men and women on the ground delivering services are being pulled from pillar to post as there’s nowhere near enough of them left to get the job done.


With 22 officers currently earning more than £100,000 and shortages on the front line firefighting to deliver repairs maintenance and social services, food inspections and planning enforcement as a brief example of Leader and Cabinets failings it shows how far from ever being delivered the Cabinet promises of Northumberland County Council were and still are.


It's time the Government appointed another inspector as one is urgently needed to run the Council until the May 2025 elections and get its service delivery back on track as the current set up where the Leader answers all queries from residents with “You are criticising our workforce” joins his other failures in the not wanted any more out-tray.


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