Sunday, 28 May 2023

Levelling down has got Labour active right across Northumberland?

With the right wing press indicating that 9,000 levelling up jobs in the river Blyth estuary are slipping down to Somerset. 

In Bedlington, headlines for their long awaited commanded by Tories 'make a noise stormtroopers' regeneration, is that their new anchor store is to be Greggs, with wags asking the questions regarding health and wellbeing of the baked bean and sausage slice and whether Morpeth Conservatives will be bringing in that companies chefs to tempt workers back to the Tories near empty County Hall?

It's also been noticed by members of our park bench group that when taking taxis to weddings and funerals the cab traders are now edging back towards complaining about their licensing experiences at County Hall and how the Conservatives have stripped the fat from their customers and believe it or not, that Brexit is a failure. A comedian on social media remarked that taxi drivers may go back to voting for anyone but the Tories when they wake up to the fact that the Northumberland rail line when open links with the metro service at Northumberland Park and their custom will be whisked to the airport without receiving an earful.

But back to Labours activity:

It's been noted that 'big meetings' are scheduled in Blyth and Ashington over the next few weeks and party branches are rousing the dead to get out and help, while the Tories spend the warmer weather in their villas in the balearics.Some of that activity will be to make the post of North-East Mayor safe for Labour but much is to do with a possible collapse of the County Councils broken administration.

We are also led to believe the LibDems are rolling out a plan to loosen the failing A1 Marie Trevelyan's supporting Councillors from their seats in the North.

The murky group believe Northumberland Tories are now in a woeful position with reports of their failing regime being about to collapse as multiple investigations into the various factions turning into a fiasco as the fickle fingers of fate begin to point directly at certain characters sitting on the benches of power.

Those beliefs are backed up with the popular rumour on social media that to protect themselves from disgrace through the Council's standards board they have appointed Prudhoes 'raging bull' Tory Councillor Gordon Stewart, a bad tempered ex-cop’s best mate, Chris Barrett, a long serving ultra right wing Conservative and once a school caretaker? as the 'independent' advisor to the Councils Standards Board.

You couldn't make it up!

If you have any belief in levelling up you might have to!

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