Saturday, 6 May 2023

£1M saving is a politically motivated disaster


That will lead to continued bullying within Northumberland County Council.

Described as being as much use as a ‘spurtle with your cornflakes’ by a well known Tory from the North of the County when he got the job as Leader of Northumberland County Council, Councillor Sanderson, wealthy farmer as well as a local long serving and seriously well paid top peer for the Tory led Local Government Association, Councillor Glen Sanderson has now proven his own party members criticism.

His brag or should we say one of his brags was that he would save £1m on the County Councils wages bill when he restructured following a serious and still ongoing investigation into the bullying, lying, secret nature of his administration which is getting severely worse in recent months.

Councillor Sanderson who according to his fellow Tories is well known bad tempered grouch, has done nothing to restore the faith in the group he leads with either officers of the Council or the watching public, a public who only get to glimpse the goings on through the cracks in the walls of the ‘Palace of the North’ where his throne is sat at County Hall, Loansdean, Morpeth.

The secrecy with which he is ordained and with which he controls both his minority administrations Councillors in Office and his equally numbered Opposition Councillors through the use of military intelligence style security administered by his close associates, illustrate he has no skills to perform such a duty himself, is abominable. He tells the opposition nothing at all and that also extends to any Tory he doesn’t get on with, leading to a shambolic and bucolic mess the halitosis of which permeates all over Northumberland.

To achieve his aim and back up his brag he now has Officers doubling up on jobs, weakening one of the largest Unitary Local Authorities in Britain by his assumption that expertise in any field of work is not what's required to deliver for the people he is meant to serve. We wonder whether he carries that adage into his life as a Gentleman Farmer?

This is where you the reader has to ask if when you make contact with the Council can you speak with someone who actually knows about the business you have made the call about, will you get to that someone who is a great officer and knows everything about your problem? or have you met that person's ‘dissociative identity’ and have you felt fobbed off after your call?

Our worry as the codgers is one of leopards and spots and that top councillors from the administration don’t quite get the fact that ‘They are the Council’ and have to be answerable to the people. Once you get onto one of those top Councillors and relay that you have spoken with a person who didn’t fully grasp your problem or how to solve it, will that Councillor demand action at the top of his or her voice and will that be classified as ‘bullying’ and the Council of which they are it, will move back to lining its pawns up in front of the Kings, Queens Bishops and Knights and square one will loom again!

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