Thursday, 16 February 2023

The inks are not dry on Max Caller's report and we hear Criticism, read about nastiness, crawling apologies, no debate until it's too late and the In-House Royal Family left sitting outside the whispers?


It might seem like handbags at five paces to some who sit outside the arena but for workers, staff, trade unions and opposition politicians this Tory mob from Morpeth ‘tek the biscuit’.

The Max Caller report looked at the nasty delinquent bullying ways that an administration in office treated everyone around them for the last six years.

Following receipt of the report and allowing the dust to settle closer to the ground, we estimate approximately head height as their conservative vision has proven to be completely enveloped in a blue mist, the Tories on the Council led by Councillors Sanderson and Wearmouth spun out a tale about how ‘It wasn’t us mister it was all those others’.


Then they publicly crumple up both the tale and the outcomes of the report and at their first attempt at having any vision for honesty and interest in either the people or the rules set by Caller, like the Royal Navy of old, they blew it out of the water.

The Council has a Cabinet made up of one single party who, like their dreams when they roll out of the lodge, consider themselves Royalty.

This time, like many other times, they agree to a budget and medium term financial plan without any consultation with opposition Councillors, the Public, the trade unions or their partners in Lower Tier Councils who have bankrolled their activities for the last six years and put up with what's being poured out.

The leader and deputy leader slated the Labour Party political group leader when he had the temerity to tell them like it is.

Pensioners groups and shelter openly criticised rises in Council Tax and Social Housing Rents that will simply cause hardship and strip savings from those around them.

The Council deputy leader Councillor Wearmouth exposed the £17m cut in budget and it has been reported by the TU’s that they still don’t know where the axe will fall on their members.

The Tories also announced they want to spend £9M on consultants to modernise their services, at this point we need to remind Councillors that Councillor Sanderson holds a very high post within the Local Government Association to personally give advice on modernising services and the Council already pays an annual membership to the North-East employers organisation who also advise on modernising Council services so why spend £9m or is it to emulate Boris Johnson and his pandemic cash giveaways?

They then set about the Liberal Leader Councillor Reid in public and at that same meeting the ‘Royal Wearmouth’ in his regular fashion, attempted to bully Councillor Caz Bell for asking civil questions about his budgets effect on ordinary folk and Councillor Murphy had to openly seek an apology on the Labour Party’s behalf, the report is in a link below.

They have gone on to hide a public event on the largest regional change for decades in the North East that of an elected mayor for the region from prying eyes in case they get asked questions. They may have missed that lesson as the chalk for their slate had got damp

But to all of our regular readers the most revealing outcome isn’t that this budget will cause hardship above and beyond the norm its the amount of secrecy that Max Caller attempted to halt is still ongoing and a Tory Councillor From Blyth whose partner is the daughter of a TOP Tory, Councillor Jones a cabinet fixture for the Tories if that isn’t a pun, isn’t being informed about a bus stop very close to Ian Levy MP’s home?

It must be a secret! Tory mismanagement and reason they need to slash £17m.

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