Friday, 3 February 2023

Revengeful Tories across the North-East show why ‘Iron Grip’ Wearmouth should get out of politics.


Independent parties and groups across the North-East of England received another boost in the last few days as three top Tories from North Tyneside decided to resign from the now toxic Tory party, blaming their local federation for its behaviour which included sustained bullying and intimidating them personally when they preferred their former leader who was deselected and an ultra right wing candidate forced upon them in the safe Tory ward of St Mary’s in Whitley Bay.

Councillors Pam McIntyre, George Westwater, and Judith Wallace have announced their resignations from the Tory party and said they will serve as independent councillors. Their resignations come after the deselection of the former leader of the North Tyneside Conservatives, George Westwater.

The loss of Judith Wallace from the Tories to the independents will be the catalyst for a huge downturn for the Tories across the region. Following the Tories losing the Mayoral position in North Tyneside to Labour, Judith Wallace stepped up to the plate and has been the voice of the Conservatives in the North of Tyne area appearing on TV and in the press on a regular and ongoing basis. That voice will now be steered towards the ever growing independents across the North East.

This huge loss for the Conservatives comes on the back of top regional Tory Councillor Richard Wearmouth having his pal Sean Brockbank The chairman of North Tyneside’s Conservatives installed in the seat at St Marys and Councillor Westwater the Conservative Leader, deselected.

Following a well rumoured falling out with Councillor Wearmouth’s team in North Tyneside Sean Brockbank left the Tory party and its chairmanship in November 2022.

The great worry for Councillor Wearmouth is that the Cramlington Conservatives absorb the Tory element of North Tyneside due to national boundary changes taking place in a few months time with the formation of the Cramlington with Killingworth Seat and the vast majority of Cramlington’s Conservatives are vocally and politically distant from the Wearmouth set up, with the breakup of both former Conservative federation groups imminent, a weak Conservative federation in Cramlington with Killingworth will have to face the might of Labour in its new ascendency covering both the left and middle ground of politics, with good independents splitting the Conservative votes probably both nationally and locally, leaving ‘Iron Grip’ Wearmouth the loser whatever the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. The Northumberland man who asked questions about Richard Watson Wearmouth conduct as a Councillor at County Hall appears to be 100% right about Councillor Wearmouth, if he treats his Conservative Party this way. Why not check out Michael Charles Walls on facebook as he is locked up in a Mental Hospital currently for last 7 days for asking questions about Richard Watson Wearmouth he did not like. He was only trying to bring public`s attention to Richard Watson Wearmouth Conduct as a Councillor was he not ?


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