Friday, 24 February 2023

Dozens of Councillors sitting in shock and not one could find a pin to drop!


Proverbs 10:19

Tell us silence can help us avoid sinning.

The avoidance of sin reached epidemic proportions on Wednesday 22 February 2023 when the Leader of Northumberland County Council bowed to pressure from his ultra right sidekicks to gift a Tory who was removed from their top-ranks two years ago an additional £1000 per month of cash from the public purse.

Councillor Glen Sanderson proposed that Councillor Nick Oliver was to be promoted to the position of scrutiny chairperson pouring extra cash into his pockets from yours.

Two years ago the same Leader removed Councillor Oliver from his top team as the press had let the public know he owed the Council £thousands through taking another one of his family companies to the wall. The Tories knew about his loose ways with business when in 2017 the disgraced Councillor Peter Jackson made him his finance guru, shocking many who had come into contact with him outside the Councils environment.

The Council chamber in Versailles, Morpeth Branch Hall (it's all smoke and mirrors) fell silent when the nomination was made and it was noticeable when the Cramlington Conservatives and a number of older county Conservatives snuck out of the Council chamber during the stunned silence, leaving only Tories and those receiving extra cash in allowances this year, (half a million pound extra has been found to fill their pockets) remained and smiled prettily when shouting agreed, to follow their leader and support the rise of this person.

It's been said by a top Tory businessman from within the County on his social media that this decision sums up why the nation is sliding over to Labour more rapidly than the new Mercedes F1 car travels.

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