Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Secrecy prevails in Northumberland as the Council hides public consultation on a poor devolution deal in Alnwick.


Following a well publicised signing of the ‘devolution deal for the North-East’ which will force an elected mayor on 1.5m people and change the way ‘Borderlands debate’ will be centred in future, Councillor Geln Sanderson the secret leader of a secret Council has decided to hold the public consultation for this major social change in the historic but lonely market town of Alnwick well away from the prying eyes.

A letter dated 3rd February was issued out to stakeholders across Northumberland last weekend for an event to be held tomorrow stating (The Northumberland event will be held on 15th February 2023, 4pm at St James’ Church, Alnwick.)

This supposed public consultation event is a disgrace from Northumberland Tories, being held in the North of the County which is vast yet only 12% of the County’s population live there, shows exactly how Councillor Sanderson wants this consultation event's outcomes to be read.

More than 50% of the County population live in 4% of its landmass in South East Northumberland but it looks to us here at Murky that Councillor Sanderson is afraid to speak to the majority of people who through Tory mismanagement are suffering at more levels than the wealthy, well dressed gentleman farmer Councillor Sanderson understands or would even think of.

The other Councils who are to be part of this deal are holding similar events in central places where their population dwells or can get to easily.

To attend you need a ticket so that the speaker in this case Councillor Sanderson knows or can avoid at the meeting.


Some online consultation will be held and can be accessed from this link: https://www.northumberland.gov.uk/About/North-East-Devolution-Consultation.aspx

The concern for most people is that this isn’t a devolution deal at all it's just an attempt by the Tories in Government to hoist a City Centric Mayor onto a vast area of rurality and as Micheal Gove has already announced two, yes two RDA’s for the North East to ensure development is centrally controlled from Government and not devolved through what will be a puppet mayor.

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