Friday, 27 January 2023

Northumberland Council Leader Glen Sanderson?


Has he had surgery to have an articulated arm fitted to pat himself on the back?

Sometimes the local press can be badly hoodwinked by political press officers offering up page filling stories but the fairy tale linked below is beyond comparison and shows how spin can be used by politicians to mask the truth.

 The headline spun out by the Conservative press office in the name of Councillor Glen Sanderson, Northumberland County Council is 'indescribably better' after 'dark days,' claims leader, is almost as far from reality as the truth is from Boris Johnson on parties at No.10.

 Prior to releasing this ‘bag’ he had circulated the press with news that he was planning to pay off hundreds of workers severing their employment in one the most crisis ridden periods for working families over the last 90yrs. Followed by a cover story, examining his lack of decision making skills when he couldn’t make his mind up to decide if  he was forcing Council tax up by its maximum or not.

 He later announced that he wants to pay £9m to consultants in order to slash and burn his Council’s budget by £17m? Surely anyone with half a brain could decide that by not wasting £9m bringing in ‘consultants’ the council could lower its cuts needs down to £8m or did Councillor Sanderson drop off sums at school before his prime ministers expected age requirement.

 Next, The secret team he calls his ‘Cabinet’, then suddenly decided to force the charitable arm of the Council, Active Northumberland into the world of open competition for leisure services and insisting they tender for their work. This act is Thatcheringly forcing Leisure Services into privatisation and the open market culture which proved under the last Labour administration at County Hall was too expensive, bleeding the Council budgets severely, hence the transfer of the service to the arm's length charity, formed to help affordability for service users. So does the Council Leader think the sun will be shining on employees within his leisure sector or is it more dark days for them?

We could go on and on illustrating how the sun is actually setting on his administration, but we have decided to see what his ‘secret budget’ throws up at the Council meeting this month and see how many Northumberland families will be plunged into real-life darkness by a an allegedly deluded Farmer who certainly rules the Council in his own image.


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