Let's get back to the roots of local authority care services and keep
the elderly where they want to be, in their own homes or in an adapted Council
bungalow for as long as possible!
Over the last three years, Northumberland County Council under the split
and regularly haemorrhaging publicly damaged Tories, have not only lost their
own way but have placed the burden of cost for effectively losing both the
trust of their employees and the inability to plan for both the medium and long
term through the massive use of temps and interim officers onto you the Council
Those same Tories whatever the ‘state of the council’ is have decided
this year not only to force up Council Tax again to its maximum of almost three
percent but to continue on fleecing the public with another 2% rise in the
annual social services levy to fund people who don’t really want to be funded.
Care Services, both for adults and children have over the last twelve
years of Conservative led Governments, Tory led Councils and austerity have
moved rapidly to become secondary NHS providers and apart-hotel vacancy fillers
while the families of those who are moved into care to fill up space, see their
inheritance dwindle into the pockets of investors in aged person ranching and
the pots of cash at the bottom of the wealth pile disappear into smoke filled
rooms, damaging society instead of raising the bar of social independence.
Councils, particularly unitary all purpose Councils like Northumberland
should have been expanding its social housing register and building bungalows
as a serious step towards longer independence. Then plan on going back to 1974
and the roots of care services through the provision of the decade lost Council
provided ‘Home Help’ service instead of leaving services to the third sector
where control over provision, exploitation of workers through 15 minute care
slots and no transport payments between calls or even the continuation of
service delivery once contract cash is handed over is distant from any needs of
recipients, or cost or schedule control by Council officers. It's a recipe for
disaster that has been proven and complained about by those concerned over
their elderly relatives for years.
Children's services are struggling in a similar vein with those trained
to teach young people with problems and help improve their lot in serious short
supply and any training programme to aid an improvement in this field is being
left to self financing students and not sponsored by those who need their
services, your unitary Council.
The lack of grip and Leadership, county-wide has led to complaints from
both care home providers and disgruntled parents who feel let down and in the
case of providers, in their words to the Ombudsman ‘Bullied’ not a new
accusation in Northumberland we have the real need behind getting back to the
roots of care, local provision by Council employees in a fashion that will lead
society to retain people in their own homes and educate children in need
properly yet keep our (the public’s) exposure to easy money by banging up
Council Tax annually in check.
Yes & broke up Arch a 300 million Cash Generator for Services with Richard Watson Wearmouth`s Advanced the Solar Power Farm Specialist Director of his own Companies whilst a Advanced Director & County Councillor with was it Portfolio for Business or was it Planning ? Criminal Activities that caused County Hall Protesrtor to close down 3 meeting when they refused to answer Question on the Subject.