Sunday, 15 January 2023

First Tory Nationally to notice fleece holders and non-adoption of estates leaves residents ripped off.

 Councillor Daniel Carr of South Ward, Blyth must have had a serious bump on the head recently or so were led to believe.

On his community facebook page he has committed an illegal act according to the Conservative Party rule book and is questioning the national disgrace of both non-adoption by Councils of new housing estates and the disgrace of fleece hold charges born by those who live in apartment blocks on those estates.

He mustn’t be a reader of this blog or Northumberland Labour news sites as they and us here at Murky have been banging on about these disgraceful money rip-offs from developers and that Councils have not offered any form of rebate for those suffering from this money making disease since their inception.

Luckily the national Labour Party is hell bent on ending this tragedy for homeowners if they win the next election, which we believe they will.

Following contact with Northumberland Labour it appears they are going to speak with the facebook author, Councillor Carr and ask if he wishes to join them on the honest side of the Council chamber and develop his skills in helping out his residents by campaigning against his former colleagues inaction on this and many other matters now that he has found that he has a conscience. 

PS. were concerned that Northumberland Conservatives may have arranged for him to be admitted for brain surgery to help him recover his hatred of common decency and concern for his neighbours and communities.


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