Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Britishvolt The irony of EY being appointed as its administrator will not be lost on Northumberland’s radicalised Tories?


The Rudderless County Council urgently needs new Leadership and openness.

The failure of the Tories at all levels to back a massive job creating project in the River Blyth basin to build British Made batteries to power the UK’s road users in future is a tragedy beyond belief for the residents of South-East and Mid-Northumberland.

 Those residents who miss their absent loved ones dearly needed to dream of a secure long term jobs boost to assist their sons and daughters from remaining as the world's primarily engineering, health and construction homing pigeons, working around the globe and only flying home to recuperate or retire.

 The company Britishvolt, who arrived on the scene out of nowhere in 2020 immediately struck gold with Northumberland County Council’s then new leadership of Councillors Sanderson and Wearmouth needing to up their spin and try to show that the loss of a nationally renowned auditor, EY, for not finding fault with the council owned company ARCH, but they did with its Tory successor ADVANCE Northumberland; The loss of a Leader, Councillor Peter Jackson, for not following the rules of engagement, with allegations of uncontrolled bullying of staff rife in the public domain and the need to up their game to engage correctly with other bodies who could bring finance to their rapidly emptying table left the door open for Britishvolt to become part of their regular and ongoing spin doctoring driven by this then new leadership.

 The Council and its Company ADVANCE Northumberland steered resource after resource in the direction of Britishvolt selling them the site they are abandoning in Cambois Northumberland cheaply with a higher than sale buy back clause built in. Not good business practise when working with an unproven company without investors other than a County Council in place.

 The loss of this project was openly criticised this week by Wansbeck Labour MP Ian Lavery, whose seat includes the factory site, he accused ministers of failing to support Britishvolt with the investment needed, telling the world from outside Parliament that the Conservative Government had failed to put a single penny into Britishvolt after promising to finance it on a number of occasions. With the beleaguered Blyth Valley Tory MP Ian Levy who grasped this project as an opportunity to raise his standing in the Communities around the river Blyth basin stating he will lobby the Government on the issue. Ian Levy who was a vocal supporter of Liz Truss may not get the welcome he expects now that the Government is led by the man who came second to her, Prime Minister Sunak.

 But during this administration period we are certain that the mess and its links with the Tory led County Council and its company ADVANCE Northumberland will come out as EY, the named administrators, were silenced like the lambs last time they dealt with Northumberland’s Tories and forced to resign. 

 With the Tories running away from ADVANCE Northumberland like rats from a drain, leaving the chairmanship in the hands of the County LIB-DEM leader Jeff Reid who is accepting his fourty pieces of silver to become the companies paid but expendable Chairperson they must expect the news to be dire. It's time that the other radicalised Tory factions on the County Council came to the proper conclusion that the Morpeth Mob have failed them entirely and their prospects for survival in a role that pays’ moderately handsomely for a part-time position has been lessened considerably through their antics.

 We are sure that the burner phone conversations between the Tory factions will be red hot and that change may be made much sooner than we think.


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