Thursday, 28 April 2022

Well, Well, Well is not just the story of the three holes?

As regular readers of the Murky you will know that our team watches other peoples comments on social media and reports what sits on everyone's screens regarding dodgy dealings and Morpeth Mafia activities surrounding County Hall in Morpeth, primarily written by inactive well known members of the Conservative Party, many of them ex UKIP right wingers. 

Much of what we don’t report is how extreme many of them are but to name and shame would be abhorrent and against the base rules of reporting. But one of the team spotted this from someone who has absolutely no links whatsoever with the Tories or ther anne xed Conservatives.

It's a comment which deserves a place on Murky’s pages and it contains a number of questions that are valid if you live in Blyth or Cramlington or like to shop or do business in the Town but hate sitting in traffic jams on Cowpen Road all day or Laverock Hall Road at school times and tea time.

This social media writer may have hit the nail on the head and is asking questions that RICHARD WATSON WEARMOUTH should officially answer and not allow it to be put in as an unanswered or time delayed freedom of information request as is the usual tactic of the ‘secret’ County Council under the Conservatives. 

The questions below will be feared by the Tories who hide behind Conservatives as, their shady rebuke for proposing a shortened bypass for Cowpen Road, not building or even planning any cross town highways and ending the proposed bypass in a residential area covering three Blyth wards with some of the highest numbers of children and families per hectare in Northumberland is as pathetic and dangerous as Councillor Wearmouth’s lets have a Tory culture ‘model’ community centre and theatre to supposedly regenerate Blyth Town Centre or is it to indoctrinate Blyth’s kids in ‘how to live a lifestyle like Boris and get away with it’?.

I fear there is something really dodgy going on at County Hall because I found the Planning Application for Land East of Low Horton Farm for the 75 acre Solar Power Farm.

 Its 21/03767 for anyone interested & Planning Officer was given Delegated Powers so that it did not have to go to the Planning Committee for the Councillors to Investigate. 

I wonder if that had anything to do with Richard Watson Wearmouth Deputy Leader of the Council who if you look at Company House has many Directorships in Wessex Solar Energy & many Solar Farms he controls ? 

It should not go unnoticed that the Solar Farm is where the Option 3 Bypass was proposed to go & can Ian Levy MP’s idea actually be proposed as a alternative just be a Smokescreen to the Solar Farm at Low Horton being on where that part of the Bypass was going to go & was it Delegated Powers who allowed Housing on Chase Farm Estate on land needed for Option 3 in 2017 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  

I now ask who is Profiteering from such a decision being made & is it Insider Trading at County Hall by the Conservative Party County Councillors ?’

Northumberland Conservatives, now famous for drinking the spirit of freedom of information requests by the bucketful and not having them answered even when they are proposed and sent in by both legal representatives and the press, leaves the only option of Murky writing this article to stop the questions being swept under the proverbial carpet in the most expensive building in the whole County of Northumberland, County Hall in Morpeth, by an interim officer in fear of his or her job, it's time that light was shed on the antics of the few who are being bankrolled by the many and that many is you, the Council taxpayer!

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