Friday, 29 April 2022

Tory MP’s and Councillors have lost the powers to radicalise people as they wake-up to being let down daily!

National news media including the very high specialist ‘Financial Times’ have come out against Boris Johnson as the only reasons he could give people for voting Conservative on his recent trip to Bury was that Conservative Council’s fill in more potholes and keep libraries open and they spend less and ensure they deliver Value for Money” 

Taking his word and putting them into what really happens in Conservative run Councils we ask? and Johnson needs to ask why Northumberland County Council has set the highest increase in Council tax nationally and haven’t delivered Value for Money in the last six years according to their external auditors, and they don’t produce or publish performance figures, are completely secret in their actions and run a one party Cabinet and almost one party dodgy and possibly unlawful scrutiny setup to supposedly protect the public from the lefties. 

Well if they are the reasons people should vote for his party we as a nation now know that the Leader of the Conservatives has no idea about Councils and why he can make his statement and believe it's a vote winner.

One blogging cad from Greater Manchester asked online if “Keeping the Libraries open in order that those who can’t afford to heat their homes can sit in a warm environment five days a week was the reason for voting Conservative in May’s elections then Johnson you have lost the plot”?

The newspaper reports that One senior (Conservative) backbencher warns that the impact of the Partygate scandal “is going to sacrifice a lot of good councillors and we will lose control of councils.” Boris Jonson thinks he is the Conservative Party”.

We here at Murky don’t know who that senior backbencher is but the public do think that Boris Johnson is the Conservative Party and the media sells him so, just as they sold Jeremy Corbyn as the Labour Party. History shows you live and die by your Leaders and sometimes Tory media indoctrination and party dogma fails society and in Boris Johnson Partygate or not the Nation has a failure.88% of Conservative members think that Partygate has blown over although both Conservatives, Greens and Labour doorknockers have reported otherwise, but it's the crisis in peoples’ homes which is about to damage the Tory council’s vote.

Johnson’s cabinet’s decisions and mismanagement of the economy illustrates how Baronly his party has become. His actions and the actions of his ministers have upset the Nations Churches, have made the Country

into a racist state, is driving the massive rises in rents with no alternative for most, has attacked pensioners at every level and are now glowering a major recession in the face that is leading to not only a loss of confidence in Conservative Councillors and Councils but has led to a destruction of the spending power that businesses rely on, but being born in the USA Boris Johnson has a lifeline and were sure among his ministers many will also hold US citizenship in a similar vein to him and his chancellor.

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