Thursday, 7 April 2022

Saving £1million to save face, shows how Tory Council Leader doesn't understand 'responsibility led national pay deals'


Reading the panic replies from Councillor Glen Sanderson, Tory Leader of the expensively broken and thoroughly divided Northumberland County Council following the local press revealing that he employs a dearth of officers who earn massively high wages, has us here at murky holding our hands over our mouths to stop the laughter, as we know he was unaware before the press pointed it out to him as its hard to read detailed papers when your driving your tractor.

He was of course one of those involved in wrecking the former Castle Morpeth Borough Council and his antics of farming first, £Billion County Council second  has led him into believing he will be able to cut his wages bill by £1million.

His use of his bragging rights to the press about slashing wages show how little he understands in regards to how local government and NHS single status and agenda for change pay and conditions work, as both sets of workers sit under the Council's banner. As a gentleman farmer why should he? as if he wants to cut his own wages bill he simply sacks enough people to lower his agri-bills and thinks nothing else of it!

In Local Government things are a bit different as his pay spine at the Council is defined by the responsibilities workers, staff and officers hold in their everyday jobs. Given the number of times his Council has lost tribunal cases through not understanding the needs of the core business of the Council, how it  runs and how responsibility levels work, or had to pay massive in cash terms gagging clauses to keep the Council out of court is probably one of the reasons his shambolic chaotic Council has not delivered best value to its residents in the last five years.

Luckily for the public a Government Commissioner is already writing a report about the antics of Councillor Sandersons Council and the way it wastes taxpayers money, as well as what's gone on over the last five years when the Council was being run from the 'dark side'. It's been said that the commissioner asked the Tory (groups) to rally under Councillor Sanderson and he was shocked that the voices sounded like braying donkeys, but that's how it is in a Council which masks everything from public view.

Just to sum up this little pointer towards how bad things have got, at the Council's March meeting it was revealed by a former top Tory Councillor who has been dropped off the extra payment list that they have spent £80million on beautifying County Hall in Morpeth, but when asked during the televised question time in April the deputy leader Councillor Wearmouth stated it was £11.4million. The job of modernisation is just entering its sixth year with multiple contractors bashing away day after day. So we here at murky know who we believe, the one who's been ditched by the piper payer's, that's who!


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