Friday, 29 April 2022

The synonym for Cabinet that best suits NCC's Tory one party team in the OED is commode!


Will it and spin destroy Advance and Active Northumberland?  

We may be an odd murky group but even we won't go into the meaning and synonym for commode but it's No.1 for regular readers who know how far adrift from honesty and integrity the Conservatives from Morpeth's County Hall are?. 

With recent news reports illustrating that their internal devastation of County Hall in the name of refurbishment has led to a mass clear out of historical documentation, leaves the Tories devoid of being able to investigate what is truthful and what's not, the dreadful attack on Labour's Councillor Scott Dickinson regarding his statement of truth about the Blyth Relief Road funding illustrates how the Tories swing towards secrecy has devoured honesty. One look for documentation on their Web site will satisfy the curiosity of most onlookers as documentation once openly and honestly shared with the electorate has been removed or trimmed to headlines only.

As observers of the murkiness at County Hall we expect a swing towards greater nose growing reports about how the Council's interim model of management will fiddle with leisure services via the rethatcherisation of Active Northumberland. 

We also expect a rebirth of the spin by the former Chairperson of Advance Northumberland the current deputy leader of the Council in an exact copy of his attacks on ARCH as he begins to blame the Independent and Labour Councillors on the Advance board now that he has placed the Chief Executive of the Council in a darkened room unable to refute his statements about companies set up by him in his name and now subject to audit and scrutiny by opposition Councillors.

As observers and commentatorswe simply need to keep you up to speed as the actions of Pinocchio's closest relatives come out from the openings created by six years of ongoing building work at the almost unused County Hall,  apart from the synonym's of commodes of course!.

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