Friday, 29 April 2022

The synonym for Cabinet that best suits NCC's Tory one party team in the OED is commode!


Will it and spin destroy Advance and Active Northumberland?  

We may be an odd murky group but even we won't go into the meaning and synonym for commode but it's No.1 for regular readers who know how far adrift from honesty and integrity the Conservatives from Morpeth's County Hall are?. 

With recent news reports illustrating that their internal devastation of County Hall in the name of refurbishment has led to a mass clear out of historical documentation, leaves the Tories devoid of being able to investigate what is truthful and what's not, the dreadful attack on Labour's Councillor Scott Dickinson regarding his statement of truth about the Blyth Relief Road funding illustrates how the Tories swing towards secrecy has devoured honesty. One look for documentation on their Web site will satisfy the curiosity of most onlookers as documentation once openly and honestly shared with the electorate has been removed or trimmed to headlines only.

As observers of the murkiness at County Hall we expect a swing towards greater nose growing reports about how the Council's interim model of management will fiddle with leisure services via the rethatcherisation of Active Northumberland. 

We also expect a rebirth of the spin by the former Chairperson of Advance Northumberland the current deputy leader of the Council in an exact copy of his attacks on ARCH as he begins to blame the Independent and Labour Councillors on the Advance board now that he has placed the Chief Executive of the Council in a darkened room unable to refute his statements about companies set up by him in his name and now subject to audit and scrutiny by opposition Councillors.

As observers and commentatorswe simply need to keep you up to speed as the actions of Pinocchio's closest relatives come out from the openings created by six years of ongoing building work at the almost unused County Hall,  apart from the synonym's of commodes of course!.

Tory MP’s and Councillors have lost the powers to radicalise people as they wake-up to being let down daily!

National news media including the very high specialist ‘Financial Times’ have come out against Boris Johnson as the only reasons he could give people for voting Conservative on his recent trip to Bury was that Conservative Council’s fill in more potholes and keep libraries open and they spend less and ensure they deliver Value for Money” 

Taking his word and putting them into what really happens in Conservative run Councils we ask? and Johnson needs to ask why Northumberland County Council has set the highest increase in Council tax nationally and haven’t delivered Value for Money in the last six years according to their external auditors, and they don’t produce or publish performance figures, are completely secret in their actions and run a one party Cabinet and almost one party dodgy and possibly unlawful scrutiny setup to supposedly protect the public from the lefties. 

Well if they are the reasons people should vote for his party we as a nation now know that the Leader of the Conservatives has no idea about Councils and why he can make his statement and believe it's a vote winner.

One blogging cad from Greater Manchester asked online if “Keeping the Libraries open in order that those who can’t afford to heat their homes can sit in a warm environment five days a week was the reason for voting Conservative in May’s elections then Johnson you have lost the plot”?

The newspaper reports that One senior (Conservative) backbencher warns that the impact of the Partygate scandal “is going to sacrifice a lot of good councillors and we will lose control of councils.” Boris Jonson thinks he is the Conservative Party”.

We here at Murky don’t know who that senior backbencher is but the public do think that Boris Johnson is the Conservative Party and the media sells him so, just as they sold Jeremy Corbyn as the Labour Party. History shows you live and die by your Leaders and sometimes Tory media indoctrination and party dogma fails society and in Boris Johnson Partygate or not the Nation has a failure.88% of Conservative members think that Partygate has blown over although both Conservatives, Greens and Labour doorknockers have reported otherwise, but it's the crisis in peoples’ homes which is about to damage the Tory council’s vote.

Johnson’s cabinet’s decisions and mismanagement of the economy illustrates how Baronly his party has become. His actions and the actions of his ministers have upset the Nations Churches, have made the Country

into a racist state, is driving the massive rises in rents with no alternative for most, has attacked pensioners at every level and are now glowering a major recession in the face that is leading to not only a loss of confidence in Conservative Councillors and Councils but has led to a destruction of the spending power that businesses rely on, but being born in the USA Boris Johnson has a lifeline and were sure among his ministers many will also hold US citizenship in a similar vein to him and his chancellor.

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Well, Well, Well is not just the story of the three holes?

As regular readers of the Murky you will know that our team watches other peoples comments on social media and reports what sits on everyone's screens regarding dodgy dealings and Morpeth Mafia activities surrounding County Hall in Morpeth, primarily written by inactive well known members of the Conservative Party, many of them ex UKIP right wingers. 

Much of what we don’t report is how extreme many of them are but to name and shame would be abhorrent and against the base rules of reporting. But one of the team spotted this from someone who has absolutely no links whatsoever with the Tories or ther anne xed Conservatives.

It's a comment which deserves a place on Murky’s pages and it contains a number of questions that are valid if you live in Blyth or Cramlington or like to shop or do business in the Town but hate sitting in traffic jams on Cowpen Road all day or Laverock Hall Road at school times and tea time.

This social media writer may have hit the nail on the head and is asking questions that RICHARD WATSON WEARMOUTH should officially answer and not allow it to be put in as an unanswered or time delayed freedom of information request as is the usual tactic of the ‘secret’ County Council under the Conservatives. 

The questions below will be feared by the Tories who hide behind Conservatives as, their shady rebuke for proposing a shortened bypass for Cowpen Road, not building or even planning any cross town highways and ending the proposed bypass in a residential area covering three Blyth wards with some of the highest numbers of children and families per hectare in Northumberland is as pathetic and dangerous as Councillor Wearmouth’s lets have a Tory culture ‘model’ community centre and theatre to supposedly regenerate Blyth Town Centre or is it to indoctrinate Blyth’s kids in ‘how to live a lifestyle like Boris and get away with it’?.

I fear there is something really dodgy going on at County Hall because I found the Planning Application for Land East of Low Horton Farm for the 75 acre Solar Power Farm.

 Its 21/03767 for anyone interested & Planning Officer was given Delegated Powers so that it did not have to go to the Planning Committee for the Councillors to Investigate. 

I wonder if that had anything to do with Richard Watson Wearmouth Deputy Leader of the Council who if you look at Company House has many Directorships in Wessex Solar Energy & many Solar Farms he controls ? 

It should not go unnoticed that the Solar Farm is where the Option 3 Bypass was proposed to go & can Ian Levy MP’s idea actually be proposed as a alternative just be a Smokescreen to the Solar Farm at Low Horton being on where that part of the Bypass was going to go & was it Delegated Powers who allowed Housing on Chase Farm Estate on land needed for Option 3 in 2017 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  

I now ask who is Profiteering from such a decision being made & is it Insider Trading at County Hall by the Conservative Party County Councillors ?’

Northumberland Conservatives, now famous for drinking the spirit of freedom of information requests by the bucketful and not having them answered even when they are proposed and sent in by both legal representatives and the press, leaves the only option of Murky writing this article to stop the questions being swept under the proverbial carpet in the most expensive building in the whole County of Northumberland, County Hall in Morpeth, by an interim officer in fear of his or her job, it's time that light was shed on the antics of the few who are being bankrolled by the many and that many is you, the Council taxpayer!

Friday, 22 April 2022

How is Councillor Sanderson doing?


We don’t know, so how does he?

Councillor Glen Sanderson, the Leader of Northumberland County Council has no idea how well he and his Council are faring in the world of honest and fragrant Local Government.

His recent denial of his statement that he is going to slash £1M from his wages bill as soon as he was tackled on his plans by the Trade Union UNISON shows that he had no plan whatsoever to do it, therefore we believe it was all about sacking workers until his budget statement was reached.

Yet this man, although a rich farmer, has increased his wealth over the last thirty years by being a regional top bod for the Tory led Local government Association. Known as a regional Peer, ‘Lord’ Sanderson goes around and teaches other Councils how to ‘do it right’. At this juncture you may want to stop reading for a little while in case your laughter damages your PC or iPhone etc.

So as a ‘Regional Peer’ for the whole of the North of England you would think that ‘Lord’ Sanderson would have heard of PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT? Well apparently not! Although as a Peer it was his job to go around, at great cost to other Councils and rich reward to his own pocket and ensure that Councils were performing adequately by studying their performance management figures and telling them ‘how to do it’.

Prior to the arrival of the ‘Austerity Government’ in office at Westminster in 2010 Councils had to produce accurate readings and statistics for agreed items with the Government known as Key Performance Indicators. These indicators told everyone how well your council was doing in comparison with other Local Authorities and where improvement was either necessary or essential.

These indicators were backed up by reports known as ‘Local Performance Indicators’(LPI’s). Councillors received the reports and budgeted for change to take place where indicators showed weakness. They were released to the public annually in reports on progress and drove strategies for improvement e.g. How the Council's Leisure and Sport programs contributed to the Health of the area and information was built up to a level where competent ‘Core Strategy’ documents could be produced not only to look at future planning matters but to also drive change and keep an ever watchful eye through scrutiny panels on any slippage that would be detrimental to the public and the Councils workforce & staff.

At Northumberland County Council where Best value on the public's behalf hasn’t been delivered for six years some officers may collect and collate information but there is no democratic oversight of performance or what is needed to improve both the Council and society its only what the Leader of Council wants at that time and has been that way since May 2017 and in fear of murkily repeating ourselves Councillors do not get sight of the results and scrutiny chairpersons stop opposition Councillors asking questions about anything that may need figures to back up decision making.

Northumberland County Council has even become ever more secretive under Councillor Sanderson’s leadership as he knows that any scrutiny of his administration using performance as a measure would be ‘hot for his bot’ as he isn’t quite as thick as he looks but he and his former partner Councillor Jackson, he began the secret council plan, have ran scrutiny ineffective and possibly unlawfully as what's being scrutinised? Only decisions he has already taken and pushed through his one party cabinet on to his one party council. No wonder he has leveled the highest Council Tax rates in the North onto his voters this year as it's expensive to purchase covers for everything in sight.

Oh and by the way, back to his £1M cut in the wages bill, here is a picture of a ‘Sanderson bot’ cutting grass in Northumberland last week. UNISON is quite right to keep an eye on him!

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Gove's reading of the runes will split the Tories away from the Conservatives at all levels!


10th May 2022 as the Tories reel from their damaging local government Council poll results and they're currently fully running disgraceful lying spin machines are fed to regional Top Tories via their anus'es right across the Country, the Queen will read her speech as to the direction of this current Government in office as Johnson's reign is brought to a shuddering halt.

Ministers and Secretaries of State are as busy as Zurich gnomes cramming the speech with delights to show that after 12 years of racking and turning the thumb screws on the poor and local Council's the worm has turned against them, leaving ministers in the full knowledge that the Conservatives are back in power and that Tory greed and inhumane policies won't be tolerated in future.

If you're going to panic, why not in full public view?

With their options limited through the madness and national anger apart from within nasty party circles of Priti Patel's plan to deal with vulnerable asylum seekers and her and her team's lack of energy in helping refugees,  the exposure and disgrace of moves to make themselves richer from Sajid Javid and the Sunak's coming to light, the last of the heavyweights, a man who read the history and twistery of former Scottish Lairds, has kept his head down and is transforming via pupation, from a nasty all consuming Tory Ogre into an all appeasing shiny 'New conservative' with a small c.

For those Council's without elections a mad rush for the 'New' direction to build Gove's Council Housing, embrace his change of planning rules against decentralisation to extremely local needs and a whole new way of thinking for high streets as Council's are allowed to borrow to purchase empty shops and compete with commercial landlords to drive down rents as opposed to building of levelling up monoliths and destroying local features, will revive the Conservatives and beat back the Tories but it won't save them in the longer term as Johnson's nasties have really done for them. Gove sounds very much like a moderate which he is, and the runes have pointed towards extremism being unpopular as the red wall results showed for Labour and embracing nastyism is for the Tories.

In Northumberland it will leave Councillor's Sanderson and Wearmouth very exposed wearing the king's new clothes.  Its two years since Labour the Conservatives and Independents split the Tory mob by ditching its Leader Councillor Jackson but the strength of the Tory nasties in the County left Tories in power, were sure many will see the light and both the spin machine operator Councillor Wearmouth and his current puppet the Mussolini type Councillor Sanderson to recover their ears from the pavement as the Conservatives make a comeback as let's be honest as leaders they have not stopped the bullying of staff, slowed the lying spin machines or chosen how to help the public and their antics won't be tolerated by 'Premier Gove'.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Northumberland Conservatives are lucky to have such a brilliant deputy leader as he admits to knowing it all.

How many people did Northumberland Deputy Leader's boss, the proven liar and criminal Boris Johnson MP, have working on the pandemic?

We don't know that figure but since Mr Johnson MP has decided that the pandemic has ended he has had to announce that everyone will have to pay a huge amount of additional national insurance and higher tax rates for many in order to bankroll the borrowing of the cash to pay the  hordes of folk who pulled out all the stops to ensure our safety.

Little did the prime minister know at the time before he read about it in the press but he could have cured the nation much quicker if he had asked the top Tory from the North-East,  Councillor Richard Wearmouth, the deputy leader of Northumberland County Council to use his special powers to see the virus first hand and ask him who it was going to infect next. After all, Councillor Wearmouth told the Newcastle Chronicle who he caught his virus from a few weeks ago. He caught it from a 'Labour Councillor'!

It's such a pity that his super powers are limited to viruses or he may have seen the creeping germ of the deplorable disease which has invaded the material used on the £80m waste on the modernisation of County Hall. 

The name of the disease we hear you ask?

Nelson's Eye!

It must be that well reported
disease or his super powers may also have noticed the Council under his financial control hasn't delivered Best Value on behalf of the Counties residents since 2017

‘EXPOSED’ Questions about legality of decision making as Northumberland Tories write of eligible applicants?

A recent freedom of information request on unnecessary losses by Northumberland Council Housing as it fails the public in supporting those i...