Sunday, 24 October 2021

Fear of Women Displays More splits in Northumberland Conservatives as bullying rages on and on and on!

Another empty seat has been created on Northumberland’s single party cabinet as the factions move further apart and rub each other up in a similar fashion to the world’s tectonic plates.

Accusations have been leveled and support garnered on known Tory members social media sites praising and chinning up Cramlington Conservative stalwart Councillor Christine Dunbar who is reputed to have lodged complaints against another Conservative and accused aggressor of women political candidates, Paul Scott, whom we here at murky believe sits in the Peterservative and Jacksonist party, an ultra-right wing gang currently leaning on both the Leader, Glen Sanderson’shaky mob and the Cramlington squad to bring dark politics back to the fore in Northumberland County Council.

This episode shows that Northumberland Conservatives wish to take time back to the 1940’s, after the second world war when women who had played a fantastic part in the war effort were severed from their new jobs (which could have become careers) and forced back behind the kitchen sinks in case they showed that the high level of productivity they attained during that period was expected to be maintained by men! The fears of those men live on in the Tory Party locally as many of them are from a farming or masonic lodge backgrounds where old fashioned manly values are held tight.

The stories leaking from County Hall regarding bullying and intimidation are growing stronger and it's the public who sponsor this septic Council through tax and levy’s and they have not been told the truth about why the Council has failed to deliver Best Value for the last five years nor yet released a credible news item regarding the mass exodus of Directors of Advance Northumberland and the company model suddenly being changed when the HMRC jackboots began tramping towards their filing cabinets!

What a carry on!

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