Saturday, 2 October 2021

Northumberland Tories drifting well behind!

With Northumberland's Labour Party members returning from the national conference having their hands covered in cement through the use of the trowel and square to lay bricks on top of the solid foundations Keir Starmer has dug out on behalf of his party we here at murky thought we would inform the joyous delegates what they have been missing whilst away on party duty.

A run around Tory activists social media pages showed how the widening splits among Northumberland Tories have got teams seething, with all three factions trying their best to outdo each other.

Just a week ago it seemed that blind panic had set in when Councillor Oliver had decided to leave the Conservative party through the complete lack of support shown towards keeping the true stories of his activities as the finance portfolio and named senior bully boy as secret as the councils spend and cover up of the whole Jackson gangs activities over the last four years. But it appears that the new Sanderson mob has offered Councillor Oliver the cover he needs, strengthening that segment of the votes at Tory Party meetings in their favour.

This leaves the Cramlington division sitting in the moat as allegedlyall gangs sat balanced previously, but with Oliver's shaky hand sitting in Sandersons velvet glove his group now sits with a minor numerical advantage over their south east of County bedfellows.

Councillor Sanderson, never being famous for even glancing at the big picture now appears to have deserted the population covered by the Cramlington members of council to defend a dead duck from Corbridge to harness his secret vote.

Cramlington is the area being hardest hit in the County this week by national government decisions as its home to high numbers of those on furlough, has the most young people in the county being damaged by the rise in national insurance payments and has a startling number of graduates paid on or around £27,000 a wage that will be subject to the next Tory pocket hitting or is that lining? move to back their dodgy governance, that of lowering the amount of earnings before student loan payments kick in, a Conservative cock-up which will damage local business in Cramlington severely.

With Cramlington also housing many of Blyth Valley's elderly who are to have their purses and wallets thinned down considerably as the retention of the Triple Lock safety net for pensions is abandoned to well below inflation levels leading more to be recognised in the food and energy deprivation group and not helped by Council.

What will the Tories do now?

It'll turn into a right mess whatever it is!, we can smell the shot foxes already.

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