Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Tories leave independent Councillor to pick up the pieces.


When deputy leader of the County Council, councillor Wayne Daley decided to remove Council support for the educational system prefered by schools in the West of the County and along with his public promise that he would bring better teachers from bed sits in London he poured £millions into the development of an academy school cluster in the town of Hexham, leaving Council schools to live on the crumbs from his table.

The new schools were developed whilst Councillor Daley's administration removed the whole council plan from inspection by government leaving developers without proper guidance for the works and infrastructure surrounding the site leaving local people having to shoulder the problems created by the collapse and non-existence of any formal and proper local guidance required to blend new developments into existing local communities.

Time has moved on and Councillor Daley removed himself from his post as deputy leader of the County Council and Local people now find they are suffering from an increase in traffic problems near the school and many are concerned with the speed of traffic on Allendale Road near to the new educational establishments.

Our investigations show that during the development of new schools the removed planning documentation insisted that traffic monitoring took place and Council policy insisted that 20mph zones should be developed near schools when there may be a danger to young people's safety.

The latest news from the Hexham area is that the Tories have deserted their duties towards local people and their children and that following a myriad of public complaints about speeding traffic have left independent Councillor Derek Kennedy with the task of trying to seek volunteers from the local community to monitor the traffic problems.

If the Tories were unable to dump these responsibilities onto Councillor Kennedy they would not be looking for volunteers, they would have highway monitoring equipment laid across Allendale Road whilst they sit in their ivory tower in Morpeth and await the results. Local people should ensure they bring these Tories to heel and ensure that Councillor Kennedy gets the same help from highways services that they would. Letters and messages demanding correct monitoring should be sent to Councillor Sanderson the latest leader of Council and demand the help they really need.

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