Monday, 21 September 2020

Your Granny, your Binman and your District Midwife are to blame for the Tories mismanagement of Covid and the Budget


Murky has had difficulty getting to grips with why a political party would hack at its largest group of supporters who breached the ‘red wall’ to bring them into power.

According to the city of London media, premier Johnson’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak is set to slash Pensions, Welfare Benefits and freeze Public Sector Pay for the next four years in order to lay the blame for the Government’s handling of the pandemic firmly at the feet of the poorest paid in society.

His policies and off the cuff decision making to ensure he falls in line with the wishes of Dominic Cummings and his puppet premier Johnson to create an underclass that can be ordered to do as they are told has already seen him slash Universal Credit by £1200 per annum, at a time when only the lack of household spend is holding inflation down.

His total mismanagement of the national budget has seen it spin into BREXIT deficit of £350Bn with £190Bn lost to Covid. His Government are sitting in no mans land without any possibility of help from their former partners through the intransigence of the second most inept Tory ever behind Johnson, David Cameron.

After promising to deal with matters surrounding deficits flexibly and creatively he changed his mind and decided that he would give tax breaks to UK business and Farmers to help them get over the worst of Covid and gift the costs of this diabolical financial gambling decision over to your granny, your binman and your district midwife.

After a huge family Sunday Lunch Sunak has told the media he is more than considering scrapping yearly inflation-linked rises in welfare payments and public sector pay, while he is also trying to convince Boris Johnson of dropping the pension “triple lock”. The triple lock sees pensioners’ payments rise every year of the largest of inflation, average wage increases or 2.5 per cent.
In Northumberland you need to ensure you lobby your MP and the rudderless Administration at County Hall to try to stop the Tories pillaging your County, for as we will see in the next few weeks unemployment is not geographically separated and families in some of the places considered better off in the County will suddenly find themselves in queer street and don’t think the Council will not force you to pay your taxes, that relief is only for their inept Councillor from Corbridge!


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