Thursday, 17 September 2020

Surprised at Northumberland Supporting Future Lockdown Proposals?

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Rudderless Tory led county council licensed a fair but didn’t oversee the event!

Many people on social media were surprised when Northumberland County Council became completely embroiled with the City of Newcastle and Gateshead’s need to suppress Covid 19 with much stricter lockdown procedures as Northumberland appeared to have very low infection rates as well as much lower former death from Covid rates than its urban neighbours.

So as the Tory led Council announced its partnership we thought that Murky should find out why!

Our online investigations located the problem moderately quickly, a fair was held in Ashington which attracted hundreds of young people who after being locked down and then decried by the media, thought it would be a good idea to let their hair down and attend an open licensed public event.

Their phones were red hot and flocks of young people from across the County attended the Fair put on by Richardson Amusements and licensed to run by the beleaguered County Council from 10th to 14th September.

Originally this Fair was to be an element of Ashington Town Councils ‘Fair weekend’ a now major event in the county calendar of Country Shows, Ex-Miners Galas and Music Festivals.

Following the announcements regarding the lockdown by the Government,  Ashington Town Council correctly informed the licensing authority (Northumberland County Council) that their Fair weekend had been cancelled, yet the County Council still accepted a ‘risk assessment, fee and issued a licence to the fair company to hold its event’.

As the only event in the County of that type this month the licensing officers of the County Council should have been all over the site like a rash to ensure Covid safety distancing was being observed. They didn’t bother at all and the number of attendees swamped the organisers.

The Police became embroiled in the matter and the County Council eventually turned up and after a brief conversation the organisers decided to halt what had by the 13th September become the most popular event in the North East region.

The County Council ran one of their spin stories out via their web site in an as usual back covering exercise and we can only hope that this dreadful disease has not been passed on between the young people in attendance and that the North-east lockdown partnership becomes a simple paper exercise!

And these Tories work for us?



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