Tuesday, 8 September 2020

A stinging attack has been launched on the Northumberland County Council Temporary Leaders by Senior Labour Figures in Northumberland.


Murky has been in communication with
Senior figures within the Berwick Constituency Labour Party who have been extremely critical of the entire handling of the proposed transfer of services to 10 Commercial companies by Northumberland County Council following the debacle of the loss of the Tory Leader of Council, Peter Jackson through a vote of no confidence, following his suspension and his then open subsequent report to Northumbria Police of the activities and expenditure of public money on luxury business trips by the Council’s Chief Executive, Daljit Lally OBE. https://www.hexham-courant.co.uk/news/18697843.probe-1-4m-northumberland-county-council-project-public-money-spent-first-class-trips-abroad/?fbclid=IwAR3wyh_VqyNrOyjVe0PPGD1kkwVJtJvuI8S7vknvV-ZzaLAZJT57Pvf_Tcs

Scott Dickinson a County Councillor in Chevington, Deputy Leader of the Labour Group and Executive Member of Labour’s Northumberland Local Government Committee said that “The mismanagement and total lack of understanding by the County Council had caused outrage within Council staff at County Hall and Depots County-wide as well as Parish Councils and the public across Northumberland ” he went on to say that “Many County and Parish Councillors had been left in the dark till the last minute and a poorly written almost threatening letter shown to Labour supporters by Conservatives who work within their own communities did not clarify the reasons for the suspension of the CEX at all”

It is also claimed that thousands of residents across Northumberland were simply unaware that the County Council wants to transfer services that residents have already paid for into the Commercial sector and in some cases this will force Parish Councils to charge for them again, the County Council are trying to get residents to pay twice, hiding their banditry among the shambles that they have got the Council into through their almost industrial scale mismanagement. https://www.northumberlandgazette.co.uk/news/politics/council/northumberland-county-council-setting-10-companies-commercialisation-opportunities-1417455

A former top employee who didn’t want to be named told us “Its with disbelief I watch this administration ruin the 4star authority that was who also had a fantastic Peer Review as recently as 2016,  watching its rapid demise under the current administration is heartbreaking therefore how can it be right or justified to attempt to disengage staff from their careers and jobs in Local Government, then force residents who have already paid for these services to possibly pay more, residents are already squeezed in this current climate and Central Government decisions are making that even worse. Now we see our Local Authority acting in this manner, it would seem they have lost all moral values about providing services supporting a local workforce and being an authority Northumberland residents can be proud of rather than a bullying authority forcing services into the Commercial Sector simply because they can’t stop themselves from delivering the Thatcher concept of local government”.

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