Saturday, 12 September 2020

Farmers are quite famous for forgetting things and farming Councillor Peter Jackson is no exception!

Farming Councillor Peter Jackson is following in the tradition of his craft, by being extremely well known for being very forgetful.

His forgetfulness has got him into all sorts of bother over recent years with his fame stretching almost as far as his ego, landing him in the mire on several occasions ensuring his name becomes ever greyer as he manipulates climb-down after climb-down.

Were sure his friends will be able to point the finger at many more than we can but we think we should start with the now infamous and probably most staggering memory loss that of the planning application for a money spinning windmill on his land. His climb-down exposed one of the North’s busiest land agents, George F White to ridicule as the ego’s answer was that he forgot George had made the application

And it was the same agent who was mixed up in another forgetful moment when Councillor Jackson forgot that a giant shed also on his land was being built to house an industrial process in the countryside embroiling the pair in further controversy.

More recently the main stream press seemed to point towards him forgetting he is married, we would imagine the cold tongue dinners at home will remind the ego not forget that point again.

But his latest venture into addledness is beyond the pale even for the ego himself.

His widely reported dreadful spat with his half time Chief Executive at Northumberland County Council that led to his demise from office as Council Leader brought forward a demonic response from our farmer. He must be aware due to his own secondary career John Steinbeck wrote books about grain farming, the ego’s main income source and we can only presume that during his study of the Nobel Prize winners work he found Steinbeck’s most repeated quote: “I shall revenge myself in the cruelest way you can imagine. I shall forget it.” 

His revenge was spewed out into the local and regional press where his bleaching comments regarding the activities of his suspended CEX included the following International projects costing the Council £1.4M. “I have concerns about some of the expenditure on this project including high salaries, first class flight costs of £4,866 each, high hotel bills and an unexplained invoice relating to the Jumeirah Beach Resort in Dubai of £47,020.”.

We find it strange from information openly available in the public domain, after signing off the Councils 2018/2019 accounts and 2019/20 accounts where he has a full page personal statement on Page 3 about how well he is doing on yours, the publics behalf, he forgot to read the rest of the annuls that register how he has spent the Councils cash, in particular page 60 of the 2018/19 accounts where it clearly states that the CEX was paid an International travel allowance of £53,738 in 2018/19 one can only presume that’s to cover the expenses she incurred.

He also states that he thought that the ‘International Project would be cost free to the taxpayer’. Well our research shows that this medical based project incurred officer time cost during 2016/17 financial year as the Council was effectively the agent who linked with the Department of Trade and Industry on a contract basis with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, but that Councillor Jackson reviewed the terms and conditions of the Project during 18/19 in order to get access to a share of the £1Bn contract signed with a Chinese medical company at that point he seems to have forgotten that the costs were to be shared in the manner it shows in the 2019/20 Draft accounts, they are now split 50/50 with the trust so the costs are picked up by both parties and do not show as incurred expenses in the 2019/20 draft accounts.

The forgotten man.

Who was he again?




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