Thursday, 10 November 2022

Don’t get blindsided by Sunaks 5 year Windfall Tax.


It's a scam so big that the Cayman Islands will possibly sink under the weight of your cash from this unbelievably disgraceful long term stealth tax on consumers' pockets!

New chief spinner, the CONservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is reported to be mulling over the possibility of bringing in a five year ‘Windfall Tax’ on energy costs valued at £8Bn per year.

 £8Bn is the current excess obscene quarterly profit of Shell with BP recording a £7Bn profit over the same period with consumers being ripped off in the UK through the complete lack of control over the last 12 years of the energy market by the state.

 With a Government and Cabinet redesigned over the last decade to have only very simple aims and that is to support the rich over the needs of the rest of the nation and allow free market forces to rip consumers off via all of life's modern necessities, food, water, communications, travel and now energy.

 Just 25 miles from our shore the French consumers haven’t even noticed that there’s much of a crisis in the energy markets as their Government has taken control of costs through management of its energy producers, the largest being EDF.

 With wholesale Gas prices plummeting and energy companies making obscene profits, reasonable governments would be talking up huge investments by those free market operators into renewable energy sources such as the Dogger Bank offshore wind farm schemes and offshore solar farms to save agricultural land onshore for increased food production. But no, the magic roundabout of conservative energy ministers has done nothing but talk up “in thirty years time” for that project, a figure plucked out of the air by Chris Huhne in 2012 and which hasn’t shortened to this day.

Why? you must ask. Because top Tories are simply getting richer from ripping off the public and many including our unelected and without mandate, the Prime Minister Sunak, has a company to pour his investment profits into in the Cayman Islands. His proposals of an £8Bn per annum windfall tax for five years shows how blatant the Tories have become in office and why they are talking up ‘the longest recession in history’ to rip UK consumers off for as long as they can and were gullible enough to think a Tory Government will somehow feel it should protect and look after its residents. In true pantomime style their input into any part of social justice or thinking deserves the response of: Oh no they won’t!.


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