Friday, 30 September 2022

What are Blyth Valley Conservatives thinking of? attacking hundreds of constituents instead of helping people through the current crisis.


Rachael Reeves summed up the nations situation really well, speaking from the platform at the Labour conference here in Liverpool while the Tories en-mass supported their chancellor's mini budget which drove the pound down against the dollar to its lowest level ever since the dollar was first printed.

The lack of understanding by local conservatives to the needs of almost 69% of the residents of Blyth Valley under their care who are graded from feeling the pinch badly down to struggling more than ever before is shameful.

With child poverty racing away to a level that may take decades to get back on track and working families looking over their shoulders as the state of the nation through the decisions of the conservatives have many facing unemployment in the current recession now that ordinary people have to cut back on day to day essentials ruining both retail and the building trade, Blyth Valley conservatives have missed it all and are wholly engaged in attacking almost 750 social media users who shared a video criticising their MP.

Local conservatives blinded by their new Prime Minister and Chancellors rhetoric are beginning to reap rewards on behalf of their local MP and are joyful for it, filling their hearts with mirth while they completely ignore the plight of those living in some of the poorest areas of the UK across Blyth Valley where residents dwell who will feel no benefit whatsoever from the governments ridiculous mini budget. 

A budget designed to make the rich richer, as their conservative councillors and party members fill their time up with their gross attacks on local people who are not just struggling through the attitude of the current Government but wrangling with life itself through 14 years of austerity and the huge reduction in publically available services such as sure start and educational maintenance allowance stripped away from the public through ideology and needless conservative cultural values.

The time has come for Blyth residents to make contact with your local MP and ensure he is guided in the right direction to help you his constituents in need and not leave it all to Blyth Valley's Churches, Labour county councillors and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to serve and voice the needs of local people.


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