Friday, 16 September 2022

Ain't achieved 'best value' for the last five years and still the wasteful Tories have developed a £17m black hole.


Georgeous Glen Sanderson, gentleman farmer and ultra well dressed Leader of Northumberland County Council, announced a huge deficit in the Councils budget going forward. 

The mess they find themselves in brought about through taking their eye off the ball, infighting amongst the various factions of Tories and Conservatives and the complete lack of openess leading to a void with no power sharing or idea challenge between the wealthy Conservative group and the opposition parties has led the County Council to the brink and like the lemmings they wish to emulate will dive over the edge very shortly indeed.

After doling out Britains highest level of Council Tax last year onto an already pressed public across the County the Tory led County Council fell heavily reliant on Town and Parish councils bailing them out. The cost increase on Parish Councils was enormous but the attitude of the Tory group at County Hall is to suck the life out of their lessor neighbours to scaffold their collapse using other councils money.

The crisis the Tory Government finds itself in through sponsoring a war and allowing shareholders to wring the nations neck, causing bleeding to Britains population enmass, other Europen neighbours have closed the door to their profiteering, is now being felt by Councils across the country, but Northumberland has placed itself front and centre in eye of the cameras as Glen was unable to control his pals battles against Council officers and had to spend oodles of Council cash buying out contracts to protect his protagonists from disgrace.

Currently a team has been placed into the Council to help it improve its ways, but their findings havent yet been published and the leadership team have announced a £17m black hole, whether for sympathy from the improvement team or because the leadership knows better than the officers we are yet to find out. 

The public across the County dont have the time to wait as many are allready in crisis themselves and the breakdown of the current administration who are looking to sack even more officers and workers to cut back on expenditure will undermine the confidence in the Conservatives in Northumberland for decades to come.


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