Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Why doesn't Ian Levy MP donate some of his bling to Blyth Town Council?


On his web site today, Ian Levy MP who has had plenty to say about his local parish council wishing to purchase a badge of office for its deputy mayor and consort, showed a picture of his own regalia.

His garish collection of bling is probably just what the parish council needs to fulfill its civic duty and as a historical gesture he should give some of it to help out his local community so that the Council can consider helping his campaign to offset the increasing poverty levels he and his Government have caused to residents and their families across the Town he represents.

We are of course not sure if it isn't just one of his exaggerations, similar to the one when he told his supporters and the unsuspecting public of Blyth Valley that he had been a nurse.

Come clean Mr Levy and drop some of your trashy looking regalia off at the Council offices and let your constituents get the help they need to cover the financial struggles and inadequacies your Government has landed residents of the town of Blyth in.


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