Thursday, 21 July 2022

It doesn’t matter who Conservative and Unionists vote for as leader the choice is still unbalanced against tradition.

 Conservative and Unionist Party members are about to vote in a new leader following the demise of the Tories pin up boy Boris Johnson who has been and will go down in history as the the most severe individualist and centrally controlling PM since the second world war.

The now accepted policies of ‘New Tory Britain’ are miles away from the middle class traditional Conservative view of how things should work as a ‘One Nation’ society with Britain’s rural and coastal, fishing and farming communities having to look on as power now sits totally with the free market and the leaching of profits to the largest investors who appear not to pay their dues back to the nation they make the profit from.

With Keynes monetary policies forgotten by the Tories, and Conservative Council’s and PCC’s allowed to run wild, confirmed by the news that Police Forces are deciding whether to charge hard pressed Councils if they are called out to an incident that can be labeled as being caused by mental illness rather than crime, society needs to take a step back to understand what society should look like but with the choice between Sunak and Truss the choice is clearly Hobsons.

In Northumberland we are about to see regional Tories pushing their own agendas onto voting party members and the ‘noise’ will be heard right across the peace on social media as Councillor Glen Sanderson’s recent garden party showed, with pictures of the lonely top regional Tory Councillor Richard Wearmouth sitting by himself with the One nation Conservatives milling around rebel Cramlington Councillor Wayne Daley’s table hanging on his every word with Glen Sanderson himself looking lost in the background. Hardly the best team building exercise following the findings within the recently released Max Caller report.

Having a factionalised leading political party in charge of such a diverse County does nothing to help with policy which is now five years behind reality and the will of the Tories to accept that on the ground they as the managers of change haven’t changed things to aid the needs of Communities when levelling up seems to be about infrastructure that can be profitably measured rather than people.

This week a report published by the charity Centrepoint and picked up by Northumberland Labour showed that 49% of young people aged between 16 and 25 have gone to bed hungry over the last year and have missed school and further education as they have struggled to afford to buy food. Labour claim that the County Council wrote out policies for this group in 2017 in favour of supporting educational change in the West of the County.

When coupled with the Northumberland hooray henry’s on social media praising DWP civil servants who want benefit claimants kept on a shelf and not allowed to leave their homes or consider a holiday either in the UK or abroad everyone will see how the choice between Truss and Sunak will maintain damage in society and how Tory led Councils will want that damage to continue as it drives people away from democratic action towards not bothering to vote at all.

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